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  • #1821

    Hello Gentlemen,

    I hope you are all well,

    We have urgent requirements for the following positions,

    ROV Supervisor – Work class – Construction
    ROV Sub-engineer – Work Class & Seaeye

    A lot of our current requirements are based in and around Asia, we also have a lot of work out in Aus. So sun cream and flip flops at the ready.

    Rates are fantastic and the rates are rising all the time. Can you forward all CV’s and medicals etc to bburns@compassoffshore.com.

    Best Regards
    Ben Burns


    fantastic rates ???

    but not fantastic enough to advertise in your post?????


    Most companies in Asia are now paying:

    Sub Eng: US$800 – US$900 (Neptune)

    Supervisor: US$900 – US$1000 (Neptune)

    The reason I am quoting Neptune’s rate is becuase it was published on rovworld in a previous post by Joel Weston and they are now the highest payers in the region.

    Sonsub Singapore rates are about US$800 for experienced ET Sub Eng or US$900 for experienced Super.

    Lowest payers: Canyon Singapore


    I heard Canyon Singapore rates are low but dont they justify that by saying they have a very good loyalty bonus?
    Also would think Oceaneering would probably be lower than Canyon so would Fugro.
    Neptune are leading the way for rates at the moment and good on Joel for doing it and also posting it on here!
    Once they get a few more systems in the fleet and more guys start going over, other companies are going to have to look at their rates. 😈


    Yeah Joel musta learnt a lesson.. When he was at Sonsub rates stagnated and was reluctant to grant payrises… So guess what ? Many of the good guys left.. Guess he’s realised that the best way to get a good team is to pay the most… Shame a few more companies don’t wise up.


    The rates Sonsub Singapore have been quoting me are not that good , canyon were good payers last year , Oceaneeroles are a joke.


    both canyon and sonsub are around 750 usd for sub eng and 900 for snr spvsr, these are their top rates but they have guys supervising for as low as 700. (but these are guys with only 3 years experience and their only skill is they can fly a bit.)

    to be fair to old joelbert. The rates at sonsub were absoultely shit until he took over. They did improve a lot while he was there but not enough. The main reason is that everything must go through saipem italy. if you have ever worked under saipem wether on one of their barges or what ever you’ll know what that means. The are really 20 years behind and just squash any type of innovation or improvement. That includes the novel idea that you will attract and retain the best people if you have the best rates.

    If you look at the latest sonsub, neptune and canyon asia rates and compare to agency pounds rate and the pound to usd exchange rate , you might see them in a better light. Which is what a lot of guys are now doing.
    unless of course you want to get kidnapped or robbed of all your kit or worse in west africa??

    The above rates at sonsub and canyon also attract up to 10 percent bonus if you have been there a while.not to mention the occasional free piss up at " bernies bullshitters bar and grill" on the company expense account

    its looking ok to me anyway. Anybody know of anything better?


    oh yeah, another thing to remember…..

    you’d have to put in a fair bit of effort to dodge 100 percent of the tax in norway and uk, (and the bullets in w/africa) so factor that in and compare again to asia rates where most places will be tax free without too much effort.

    plus you don’t have to lug all that cold weather kit around either……

    ,hell i better shut up,..everyone will be out here after my job, …. not to mention my perch on the corner stool at " bernies bullshitters bar and grill"


    you forgot to mention all the rice and pigs entrails soup that you can eat on all those QE 2 type vessels …???


    Ahh Seadog,
    correct old friend. I also forgot to remind fellow rovworlders of the free use of the mob bycylcle at Sonsub. Although i hope they have refitted it with a more ergonimically designed seat. As last time i worked there it induduced a particularly nasty wedgie for me.This in turn dislodged a particlarly troublesome haemaeroid. Add to this i had consumed chilli for lunch and still had some on my hands. Imagine my discomfort after i had tried to reseat the haemaeroid.The lads at bernies bullshitters bar and grill marvelled at my ability in dancing the funky chicken until midnight closing. Raj the owner slipped me a few free drinks for providing free entertainment, which soothed the discomfort some

    Actually this should come under the posting of " do companies really care" because i never recieved any sympathy at all, either from Sonsub or the lads.

    but hey,…? the rates are pretty good there now, so guess i could face a little bit of hard ship and i’m more wary of that bycycle now….where’s bulldogg hopkins number, think i’ll give them a call

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