Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Got HND Electronics 8 Yrs Experience and now the ROV basics

Got HND Electronics 8 Yrs Experience and now the ROV basics

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Got HND Electronics 8 Yrs Experience and now the ROV basics

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    and… wondering what on earth I have to do to get a response from this industry, I have sent off mails and CV’s to nearly all the registered IMCA companies – got 2 replies from UK based organisations.

    I am willing to go offshore in any capacity to get a start, doing the ROV work would be spot on – but I appreciate I may have to work towards it.

    I have a feeling that the jobs (trainee ROV) that are out there, get taken by people who have a direct contact in the company – the HR Personel are potentially prone to filing non-experienced ROV pilots in the bin.

    Any advice or list of contacts to aid me in this quest is appreciated – I recently trained at MTCS, which was a good grounding in the fundamentals of ROV, but now the difficult bit starts….




    it is getting quiet, but you don’t bother with sending an email or writing a letter – go there in person !!


    So a trip to Aberdeen then – I was considering a trip up there to see if I could catch up with a few crew members around the bars etc.

    I presume this may be a little of just been in the right place at the right time!




    A trip to Aberdeen imo wont do much good. I tried it and I found it was just a case of me handing my CV over to the receptionist since the HR person was off sick, out to lunch or in a meeting. The ones I did managed to come face to face with just basicly repeated what was in the rejection emails.

    If like me you dont live far from Aberdeen, by all means give it a go.

    I found calling up every few days to be the best option. If you keep calling/pestering them they will eventually talk straight with you. No matter how fustrated you get with them, stay chatty and friendly. It got to the point where two receptionists recognised me by voice/accent and used to just put me through to HR.

    It’s also a big help if someone on the inside pushes your CV. The company I work for has a recruitment type sceme that long term employee’s can refer someone and they’ll get a bonus for finding you.

    The 8 of us that were taken on, 7 of us knew someone inside the company who refered us. It does appear to be who you know and not what you know.

    Just keep hammering away, you will get a start but it’ll take some time. I had to wait 3 and a half months! Also, if youre set on coming to Aberdeen. I drink Miller 😀


    I’m down in Whitley Bay – Tyne and Wear, so it is pretty far to travel, although I hear it’s a good night out up there!

    It’s been 4 weeks for me now – got my BOSIET and Medical thinking that would offer a bit more clout.

    Will keep on, sounds like just sending an email and using the online application forms is pretty useless without the follow up call. When you are going back to these companies which contacts are best?

    1) HR
    2) Project Managers
    3) ROV Operations
    4) Anything else…?




    Have you tried SMD who are based in Tyne & Wear? You wont get off shore as a pilot tech with them but working as a base tech for a manufacturer is a pretty good foot in the door.


    Nice one subseascott! Will give them a ring in the morning! MH 😀


    And CTC Marine in Darlington. http://www.ctcmarine.com
    Best of luck


    It’s not ROV but you could try Sealion shipping for a foot in the door. They’re often on the look out for Trainee Elec or Mech Dive Techs. The pay is better but you do have to hang about with divers 😉

    With offshore electrical experience it could well be easier to get the first ROV job.


    It is wrong to assume that you need a contact within the company to secure employment as a trainee ROV P/T.
    I sent CVs and covering letters to only 5 different companies in May this year. 3 months later, I received a call from SS7 inviting me to attend their selection day in Aberdeen. The result is, I have a start date in January. (Still waiting for a written contract though!!!).
    I don’t have any contacts and I didn’t need to make personal visits or pestering phone calls, so it can be done.


    See if you bothered to put your location as UK North East the first posts you would have got were CTC, SMD and the other 3 agencies there that I dont have to hand at the mo.

    Believe you me it does help to pin point your best response so we dont mix you up with GOM and ignore you.


    Aye – Canny Tip. Done!

    Had a response from one of those companies, which has been kind of promising… kept on file is better than nothing at all I suppose?!?

    When you do have the agencies at hand – they would be well appreciated.




    2 current ones in North East off the top of my head are:-

    CV’s to jobs@seatechs.com or call +44 (0)1429 239515


    Active Offshore Solutions Ltd
    TEDCO Business Works
    Henry Robson Way
    South Shields
    Tyne & Wear.
    NE33 1RF.
    Company No: 6409477
    VAT No: 931 4977 04

    Email: enquiries@activeoffshoresolutions.com

    You could even call round see whats what?



    You say you have HND Electronics and 8yrs experience.

    Can I ask you what field you have 8yrs experience in?


    Originally I started off installing, commissioning and servicing: Public Address, CCTV, Access Control systems. Working on Systems design and fault-finding down to component level.

    Then moved into the IT side of the same business, i.e. IP CCTV and LAN/WAN Networking.

    Spent the last 4 years as a Network Engineer, mainly dealing with systems and configuration – Hardware and Software. Working with Fibre and Copper.

    Seems like some of these skills will be useful in the ROV side of things and some will become redundant…

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