Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) Why Join the RMT? What does it do for it’s members? (UK)

Why Join the RMT? What does it do for it’s members? (UK)

Home Forums General Union Information (General Discussion) Why Join the RMT? What does it do for it’s members? (UK)

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    James McLauchlan

    If you are ROV and you do join please request that you are registered under branch S100 (Aberdeen) the OILC branch of the RMT. It is this branch that is handling ROV matters. They actually know what an ROV is!

    Somebody asked this question in another thread.

    What does the RMT do for it’s members?

    The text below has been extracted from the UKdivingbrotherhood weblog which is live for anyone to view.
    It’s aimed at UK divers but it gets the point across. If you mentally substitute Diver for ROV you will get the idea.


    The RMT has, since 1984 fought to advance the interests of those employed in the Offshore Diving Community in the UK.
    Joining a trade Uni0n is the best and most effective way to advance and safeguard the interests of you and your families and it provides you with legal service that is second to none.
    You have a legal right in Europe to join a Uni0n and your employer or contractor has no right to discriminate against you because you are a member of a Uni0n.
    Whether or not you were in a Uni0n previously or a member of another Uni0n is not the point. In the RMT, any special needs relating to your occupation or trade are recognized and you will benefit from being part of a strong, influential bargaining unit.
    Why? It is more effective to have one Uni0n negotiating for all workers in a company or industry than several each representing small groups. Such effectiveness ultimately affects the services you get from your Uni0n and your fees.
    The RMT has concentrated on maintaining wages and conditions and, for the vast majority of our members we have succeeded. Workers have always known the importance of sticking together to improve wages and conditions and such unity is more important than ever before. That’s why, if you have a collective contract that covers all workers in your company or industry, it makes sense to join the Uni0n, which has the most influence.

    The RMT provides the following

    1. To provide a means of effective communication between the employers and employees
    2. To enable contractors to bid across the industry on an even playing field
    3. To work towards common international areas of interest
    4. To work towards improved standards of safety, health and welfare
    5. To provide a common and collective voice to government, commercial agencies on any matter affecting members
    6. To co-operate on matters which may improve opportunities for its member
    7. To promote any activity, idea or subject which may improve the interests of its members

    Membership has many benefits! It pays to belong!
    The RMT is the only Uni0n in the UK Offshore Commercial Diving sector to bring some order to the uncertain lives of the commercial diver.
    We proved this during the dispute of November 2006 when we won a substantial increase in pay and conditions
    There are certain benefit available to Uni0n members

    Cash Benefits:

    1. Accident benefit; Calculated at 10 times the weekly contribution (£3.43 in 2008 ) for up to 26 weeks if injured during the course of employment or traveling to and from the employment. Paid at the end of the incapacity or after 26 weeks, whichever is the sooner? Maximum of £891.80
    2. Death Benefit; £600 paid to nearest relative or legal representative if death occurs through any cause prior to retirement.
    3. Orphan benefit; £12.00 per week per child up to 16 years of age. £12.75 per week per child in full time education up to 22 years of age. An additional £4.25 per week may be paid up to 16 years of age if both parents are deceased.
    4. Priority Health Care; The Dreadnought Unit at St Thomas Hospital in London is a unique specialist facility for serving seafarers and their dependants. If you or a member of your immediate family has a medical complaint which is keeping you from employment, you will receive priority and prompt treatment for NHS Medical and Dental treatment.
    5. Convalescence Care; If you or a member of your family requires convalescence care, the RMT has convalescence homes where you can take yourself or your family for up to a fortnight to help in the recovery process and give other family members a break from nursing care.

    Address; Merchant Seamen’s War Memorial Society, Springbook Estate, Alfold, Surrey,

    GU6 8EX Tel 01403 752555 http://www.mswmsociety.org.uk/

    Additional Free Insurance
    Members receive free, when applied for, Accidental and Disablement Insurance through the Uni0n Insurance, Uni0n Income Benefits Holdings.

    Table of Benefits:

    1. Accidental Death; £2500
    2. Total and Irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes; £1000
    3. Loss of two or more limbs; £1000
    4. Total and irrecoverable loss of speech; £1000
    5. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one eye; £500
    6. Loss of one limb; £500
    7. Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing; £500
    8. Loss of thumb and index finger on the same hand; £250

    Staying In London
    RMT members visiting London can now take advantage of affordable accommodation at the Uni0n’s Maritime House building, Clapham. Single rooms are available from just £24 per night to members and close family. Maritime House is a few minutes walk from Clapham Common station for quick access to central London

    To book a room, or for further details, contact Nancy King on 020 7387 4771

    Legal Service
    The RMT has a legal service that is according to other Uni0n bodies is 2nd to none.

    Since April 2000 due to changes in legislation, it offers a ‘no win no fee’ for legal representation in all employment and injury matters occurring during employment and traveling to and from the employment, as well as other matters not arising from employment.

    It also offers a free personal injury service to member’s immediate family if they suffer an accident outside of work.

    It also offers preferential rates for other matters not arising from employment.

    Be aware that the high street lawyers offering such services, they sign you up to a costly insurance policy to pay the costs if you loose a case usually a minimum of £1000. You will probably have to pay for medical notes and records, a medical report fee or court fees which can add considerably to your costs.

    They give advice to personnel on all legal matters in respect of the industry and if you have a dispute with a company regarding any matter. They will take the legal action to sort it out where possible, i.e. not being paid, getting injured or sick whilst employed, being sued because of an accident and many other grievances. However the majority of their legal power is within Europe, but being affiliated to the ITF (International Transport Federation) which is a world-wide organization looking after the interests of seafarers, they will assist you through them where ever you are in the world.

    However they cannot represent you on the rate of pay offshore outside the UK where there are no Uni0n agreements. That’s up to you to get the best deal possible. But it hoped to come to some formal agreement with other European Uni0ns in the future as we have done in Norway.

    If you think you can get a better deal with all the above benefits else where, all for the cost of £3.43 a week, £14.86 a month, let us know.

    Which Uni0n you decide to join is entirely up to you, but I would strongly advise anyone to join a Uni0n for their own peace of mind, it’s a bit like having insurance, you never think you will need it, till you haven’t got it.


    Visit: http://www.rmt.org.uk

    Still not sure?

    Ask yourself this.

    Why is the RMT agreement, the envy of other diving Uni0ns and associations world-wide?

    Why were the wages considerably lower in other areas of the world when there was a shortage of work?

    If the RMT Uni0n did not represent the interests of the Offshore Diving Community in the UK, where today, do you think the wages and the conditions you work under would be?

    If you are already a member we value your continued support. If you are not a member we ask you to join.

    The more members we have, the greater the solidarity.

    With greater the capability of the RMT to continue to seek the best deals from the Employers, it pays to belong.

    Source: UKdivingbrotherhood weblog

    If you are ROV and you do join please request that you are registered under branch S100 (Aberdeen) the OILC branch of the RMT. It is this branch that is handling ROV matters. They actually know what an ROV is!

    Scott Beveridge

    Thank you James, that ‘s a very comprehensive post!!!

    Think I’ll bite the bullet and join… Farqit!!! It looks like it could do something – although I’m non-UK based – gizit ah go!

    James McLauchlan

    ………- although I’m non-UK based

    Me neither, but anyone working offshore, on the ROV/Inspection front, will most likely see some kind of benefit eventually.

    Anyway… nice one :tup: That’ll be another ROV RMT member adding to the already growing numbers joining the OILC branch in Aberdeen 🙂

    Don’t forget to ask S100 (OILC branch) access to the ROVworld RMT board once you have joined. That group is growing quite nicely too.

    best regards
    James Mc


    And an other, I’ve just joined up to. :tup:

    What next??? 🙄

    James McLauchlan

    Don’t forget to ask S100 (OILC branch) access to the ROVworld RMT board once you have joined.

    best regards
    James Mc


    Just had a look at the RMT website and it states you need a National Insurance number (NI) so I guess non-UK residents or poeple without a NI can’t apply.

    James McLauchlan

    Ask them… I have a feeling that if the money is right they will let you join!


    Don’t forget to ask S100 (OILC branch) access to the ROVworld RMT board once you have joined.

    best regards
    James Mc


    I have spoke to the branch already to make sure I was attached to S100. The lass said somebody (Neil perhaps?)would contact you regarding the RMT board. Maybe I will call them again if you haven’t heard anything either.



    Guys and Gals,

    Just get over your pre-conceptions and join.

    Just think, if you get a fifty per cent pay rise, you’ll nearly be on the Australan rate!

    Unlike most Pommy holiday traps you’ll be able to come here and beat the Jerry’s to the sun lounge (on holiday of course, don’t want non-0niy0n types here).


    I was a nay-sayer once but the 0niy0n in in Oz has upped rates 100% for some/most companies employees over the last year or so. Check out the rates on the ROV Pay Rates forum page.

    Good luck 😉

    Scott Beveridge


    Good to see that you’ve got what you want. Now to get the fence sitters to decide (that means you intl. guys / gals as well!!) maybe it can be a positive force and start to get these cheap-arsed companies thinking / worrying. JOIN!!!

    Ewan McKen

    Probably painting a Target on my back here, but I think it is a fundamental question that I cant see the answer to:

    Which of the ROV Industry Major Players in the UK recognise the RMT for collective bargaining purposes?




    I’m glad to see that the uni0n discussion thread is alive and well. I’ve been absent from the forum for some time – not sulking just busy. And I have to say I’m impressed by the quality of information that’s been posted about the uni0n in my absence. I certainly appreciate the effort that’s been made.

    What brought me back on the forum is the surge in OILC Branch (RMT)membership from Subsea7 Everyone will know by now that there is a battle brewing here. I’ll be back on here soon, and circulating emails to all those ROVers on the OILC Branch mailing list.

    Looking forward to renewing the discussion. Wish the situation wasn’t quite so worrying for a lot of you guys. But it was ever thus in this wonderful oilfield.


    OILC Branch Secretary

    Craig Thorngren

    Has anyone seen some of the organizations that the RMT is affiliated with??? I think if you did a little searching and saw where your money was being spent or other groups it’s affiliated with you might want to think twice. Sure it’s nice to say were for workers rights, fair compensation and decent working conditions, but this isn’t whats on their website.

    Here’s a list of organizations/actions. Anyone care to take a guess at which ones the RMT supports?

    1)Womens abortion rights
    2)The banning of domestic airline flights in the UK by the end of 2010
    3)The Karl Marx Memorial Library
    4)The support of Socialism
    5)Free child care
    6)Community service instead of prison sentences

    So there’s six causes/organizations. Which ones does the RMT support and which ones doesn’t it support.

    Standing by for the broadsides…



    Yes it is plainly obvious why SS7 people are joining in their droves. Will it take the samething to happen to others or will you join up now and stop it???


    I suppose i would join if they can arrange an agreement like the Divers have a wage structure as we are Technicians yes good idea but until then i will wait.

    As a Technician involved with Subsea sector we should have a Wage agreement a min standard for positions within our workscope.

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