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Am I on the right track?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Am I on the right track?

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    Cheers guys,

    I need some advice from you ROV gurus or even new guys who have just got in. For starters, I’ve been following this website since the last 9 months or so, have read through the FAQs (prepared a CV accordingly), read through pretty much all topics in the rookie section and employment discussions.

    I’ve been out looking for a break since mid-feb. I did the ROV course at FW in Jan to get a feel of what this field is like. Before that in 2007, I graduated as an Electronics and Telecom Engineer from college. (4 yr degree). I figured that with a technical qualification and the course I had a decent chance. After a lot of reading on here I realised that other applicants have far better qualifications/experience.. (which explained why companies showed little/no interest in me).

    I studied further and now also have a Certificate in Hydraulics Engineering (not a degree, but a short-term course). I heard that having a valid Offshore Medical and Survival might be helpful so I went ahead and got the UKOOA Medical and went to Singapore and got the BOSIET (with HUET). I am from India and so going door-to-door to companies isn’t that feasible. But while in Singapore I visited about 8 companies personally although it was mostly a case of dropping off a CV at the reception. A few that I did talk to (TSMarine and Fugro) said they’d be recruiting early next year and I might have a chance then, but nothing definite.

    I’m young, 23yrs, recently graduated college and since then have been gearing up with a variety of courses to get me ready for ROVs. I’m not in this only because it pays well. Choosing this career is more of following a passion and so I’d be happy if I could even start of in a workshop where I can learn from scratch and work my way up. I’m in this for the long run.

    Looks like I’ve rambled on more than I attended to! My apologies for that πŸ™‚
    The point is that I’m still browsing loads of company websites, sending CVs and reading up on this industry the best I can. Most companies say that no current openings but they will keep on file and then get back. (but do they ever get back?) Adverts from Oilcareers mostly are for experienced guys but I check them anyway. I hope I have been going about this the right way. If there’s something I am doing wrong, or something more I should be doing to get my foot in the door, pls drop me a line. Any feedback is greatly appreciated from you guys.

    Thanks πŸ™‚

    Scott Beveridge


    Just wondering if this is the same dude that was offshore with a Thai company??

    In any event, THAT WAS A GOOD POST! reasons are: you did your homework, did the foot work, and , by the sounds of it, is that you can wait (patiently) for a job (re: the right day rate). This last one is my favourite and pet peeve – pending which route the candidate went. Waiting for the right dayrate will, in many older guys eyes, gain you an enormous amount of respect. And it doesn’t take an accountant to figure out why….

    So… kudos to you for not having the all too often whimpering – wimpy question of "Help me get a job (aka: I can’t do it myself)".

    Good luck and persevere!


    It’s is a bit quiet here in Asia right now, i know a few companies there don’t have too much work here in the end of the year, but it should start to kick off again in the new year, new contracts, so go for it again in the new year, all the best. I have to start look around for a job as well now.

    Scott Beveridge

    Deep down,

    Ah… but isn’t it nice taking some time off for a change??? I mean, over 200 days a year is getting a bit too old init’?


    your damn right, but what about my GF she want more more more all the time, πŸ˜† πŸ˜† i HAVE to work to keep her happy, or maybe it’s because i don’t want to listen to her all the time, you know how they are, been home for 5 weeks now, also to many tourist here around Christmas and new year.
    Have you quit M.

    Scott Beveridge

    Depends upon what the GF wants more of…. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ Nah, havanae quit (yet…) Ya’ knows how it goes… never say never (exceptin’ W. Africa, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and the sorts like that)….

    Who knows… maybe the Big Mango nonsense will keep the touros away…???


    My wife is a PAD organiser for Pattaya she organised 14 busloads of people to demonstrate over the weekend .But it does not seem to be keeping tourists away pattaya is busy since 2 weeks.

    I hate it here at Xmas New year its too busy so i hope to be at work from mid december for a few weeks.


    If you love your wife,,, buy her a red t-shirt πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    James McLauchlan

    and now for the moderator bit.

    Guys… lets please not hijack the thread from the OP that, as said earlier by Scot, has done his homework and is looking for some decent feedback.


    Thanks guys for your responses and James for getting us back on track πŸ™‚

    Scot, though I have the financial resources which allow me to wait till I get a decent offer, I find it very unfullfilling to just sit and wait for something to come along and so since the past 9 months I’ve been trying to get myself better qualified.
    As I said, I am ready to start right at the bottom and work my way up.

    That being said, is there a particular time in the year that companies look to take on Trainees, when they would advertise for it and then people apply? I know that I-tech had interviews recently. What about just calling up the companies and telling them that I’ve done so and so, I’m looking for work, Is there an openning?
    From what I’ve read, the latter depends on perhaps who you know in the company who can put in a good word, but what do you guys think?

    Ray Shields

    That being said, is there a particular time in the year that companies look to take on Trainees, when they would advertise for it and then people apply? I know that I-tech had interviews recently. What about just calling up the companies and telling them that I’ve done so and so, I’m looking for work, Is there an openning?
    From what I’ve read, the latter depends on perhaps who you know in the company who can put in a good word, but what do you guys think?

    Traditionally Winter time is when least trainees are taken on, the usual peak time is the start of the "season" about March time, although "seasons" seem to be getting longer these days.

    Yes, you have the right attitude and yes you have the right background – you and hundreds of others. You will always hear of people who got a job by who they know or by being in the right place at the right time.

    There is no sure fire way of getting into the ROV industry. You just have to keep plugging away.

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