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  • #2039

    Hello, I am trying to find out if anyone has attended or would recommend the Subsea RoV course at TSTC in Waco, Tx? Also I see that alot of people are having hard times getting jobs, is this just on the other side of the pond or is this all over? Thanks for any info

    Ray Shields

    A lot of people who have done ROV training school courses are struggling to get jobs as all the promises that these schools give people who part with lots of cash to do them are all unfounded.

    This is the same all over.

    James McLauchlan

    My thoughts are that, looking at where the price of oil is going, this is not an industry you should be looking at right now.

    I feel that things will be pretty quiet in about 12 months time, if not sooner.

    best regards
    James Mc


    i think alot of people will be thinking about joying companys with trenching work as it seams like there work load out the door just now

    James McLauchlan

    i think alot of people will be thinking about joying companys with trenching work as it seams like there work load out the door just now

    Trenching (PLIB) would be a good area to look at right now.

    James McLauchlan

    …………….as all the promises that these schools give people who part with lots of cash to do them are all unfounded.

    This is the same all over.

    That’s bang on the mark Ray. To many people are sucked in by these schools promising a life of excitement, travel and high pay. It’s almost criminal, but will only ever be regulated by market forces.

    Scott Beveridge

    Hope all the new lads / lasses have taken mine and other peoples advice on here and looked laterally at other side businesses / work….


    Like massage parlors in Thailand Scott 8) ❓

    Scott Beveridge

    Like massage parlors in Thailand Scott 8) ❓

    Crisco Club sandwiches on plastic sheets dude…. HEAVEN!!!!!


    "Annies Bar", Chicken Street in Shekou, No charge and 5 to 7 cuties on ya on the casting couch behind the curtains 😮

    Scott Beveridge

    I suppose "Chen" won’t shout…. 🙄 🙄


    He’s probably studiously "engineering up" a rebuttal…lol

    Scott Beveridge

    Once again, for the new guys / gals… Don’t waste your time with the ROV courses until: you have a trade related to the disciplines related to ROV’s, a year (plus) of that related trade in the practical sense (why the farq did the UK stop apprenticeships – brilliant plan / policy), and maybe (just maybe mind you… from what I’ve absorbed from this website concerning courses) – Fort Williams or the school in Freemantle (Oz – forgot the name…) ON THE COMPANY’S COIN!!!!!! Re-read the pertinent threads and you’ll see the general consensus of us old carunts is that we want you to have hands-on, practical experience so we (us old carunts) can direct you / supervise you without having to teach you how to find / use the proper tools and work SAFELY. This paragraph I’ve written covers 3 or 4 topics / threads on this website. Have a LOOOOONG peruse of this website.


    hey scotbeve ,i’m from egypt and planning to go to Fortwilliam @ the underwater center to attend the ROV Pilot course,but after what i heared from you guyz about the frusteration in finding jobs,i’m completly distracted,the course aint cheap and still would pay for the accomodaition,tickets and visa….so could you please advise me about it

    Scott Beveridge

    hey scotbeve ,i’m from egypt and planning to go to Fortwilliam @ the underwater center to attend the ROV Pilot course,but after what i heared from you guyz about the frusteration in finding jobs,i’m completly distracted,the course aint cheap and still would pay for the accomodaition,tickets and visa….so could you please advise me about it

    I have advised you already (just above…)… IF you have a trade, get hired by a company that WILL PAY FOR THE COURSE. Rayshields, James, The Lost One, myself and quite a few other old carunts have said this many times. ONCE AGAIN…. PERUSE THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE!!!!

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