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  • #2080

    hi all,

    ive spent ALOT of time in the forums watching,reading and so on.
    i will be leaving the forces in the next 12 months and planning on doing the 7 week ROV course at fort william. i know the course does not qualify me and i dont have any pervous experiance in hydro/elec on paper however i will be doing a hydrolics course as part of my resettlement.
    at the mo i am a Troop Cpl in a formation recce regiment.

    Just woundering if there are any other ex forces out there who would be willing to part with some info.
    it seems like a good job for the exforces to get in to! always away, starting from the bottom…….



    and chipping n painting !!

    Ray Shields

    hi all,

    ive spent ALOT of time in the forums watching,reading and so on.
    i will be leaving the forces in the next 12 months and planning on doing the 7 week ROV course at fort william. i know the course does not qualify me and i dont have any pervous experiance in hydro/elec on paper however i will be doing a hydrolics course as part of my resettlement.
    at the mo i am a Troop Cpl in a formation recce regiment.

    Just woundering if there are any other ex forces out there who would be willing to part with some info.
    it seems like a good job for the exforces to get in to! always away, starting from the bottom…….


    If you know it doesn’t qualify you for anything why would you want to do it? I’m quite sure your resettlement will not pay for it all. Ex Forces you must have done courses on electrics/electronic/hydraulic/mechanical. Suggest you speak to the resettlement people to see if any of your Forces courses can be converted to NVQs or any equivalent. You would be be better off completing some NVQs or similar to show electrical or hydraulic knowledge – you could do them distance learning whilst still in the Forces.

    Read through the FAQs (link over on the left) and read through the section on How To Lay Out Your CV.

    PS best make sure someone does a good spell check on your CV, its very off putting when people spell words wrong and puts across the wrong message about you 😀


    I would quite honestly save your money. Try and get a job as a civvy tech somewhere to get some experience. Have you approached any companies for feedback on their basic trainee requirements yet?

    Being brutally honest, a months hydraulic course teaches the basics which you could get from a book and will count toward very little on a CV without experience to back it up.

    As you’ve probably read elsewhere there are hoardes of ex military technicians with years of hands-on experience trying (and struggling) to get into ROV as they’re sick of sand and being shot at. I was told by the ops manager of one of the larger companies that he could wallpaper his office with the CVs he gets every week.

    Add this to the impending downturn in the industry due to hit at the latter part of the year and there will be a lot of trainees struggling for slots.

    When things pick up again approach companies directly and if you’ve some technical grounding you’ll have far more chance of a start than at the moment.

    I know this echoes what has been said time and again on here but it’s fact.

    Sorry if this is shattering any dreams but I’m sure other people will back me up. There are more people than ever trying to get into ROV and companies will only take techs.


    I agree with the above……Wont be many Trainees been taken on in 09….

    Don’t think anyone fully knows how ROV will be affected yet….Prepare for the worst I say……I was hit when cable went Pete Tong…a lot of that was due to the Enron and Worldcom scandal…bloody blokes in suits playing with other peoples money..always to blame…… 👿

    Ray Shields

    Get an NVQ or similar in electrics or hydraulics, that can be used towards getting a job in ANY technical industry (including ROVs).

    Spend a fortune on an ROV Training course – it is ONLY applicable to ROVs and worth ZERO for any other job.

    Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, you only get one lot of resettlement money 🙂


    thanks all

    think i will find a new job! it does sound like a very good life and a good crack, something i could sink my teeth into.
    Maybe i will give it another look in a couple of years.

    thanks again

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