Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? FMC buying 45% of Schilling

FMC buying 45% of Schilling

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? FMC buying 45% of Schilling

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    We just heard that FMC has Acquired 45% of Schilling. Does anyone have any comments on this, what do you think it will do to schilling and the research they do? Do you think it will affect them building arms and subs?


    saw that one coming !! lol


    I didn’t, I know that Chouest was trying to buy them. From what I heard Schilling was in talks with Chouest again and it was looking like they were going to get them. I know FMC is big but I have a few friends over at Schilling that are a little worried about the whole thing.


    Personally I would not worry about it to much…. In this business everyone has everyones hands in each others pockets. The fact that Schilling was able to find an investor is a good thing if they want to grow as a company, and with them building building ROVs to the capacity that they are now I would think they need someone with deeper pockets. FMC is known for there crap equipment, but they would be stupid if they attempted to try to change anything that Schilling has been doing, they have been very sucessful.


    Personally I would not worry about it to much…. In this business everyone has everyones hands in each others pockets. The fact that Schilling was able to find an investor is a good thing if they want to grow as a company, and with them building building ROVs to the capacity that they are now I would think they need someone with deeper pockets. FMC is known for there crap equipment, but they would be stupid if they attempted to try to change anything that Schilling has been doing, they have been very sucessful.

    Yea your right to change anything that schilling is doing now would be crazy. It seems I should know you, Hmmmmm. 🙄


    wont be much changing really, schilling are looking to get more involved in the subsea controls side of things so makes sense to tie in with someone who is established in that field.


    I don’t know just how much FMC has their hands in, I knew they were big but dang!

    Jason Garic

    Anyone remember when Alstom owned Schilling?

    Chouest buying Schilling would not be good for Schilling’s core. I don’t see G.C. letting Schilling provide it’s wares to his new competitors. Anythings possible though. G.C. tried to pull OI’s core manufacturing and technical employees two years ago. OI’s not in the business of providing products to it’s competitors. So, I would think Schilling would be diminished to manufacturing parts and equipment solely to it’s parent companies operations. This would really suck for Schilling and the rest of the operators.

    If most of you aren’t familiar with Mr. Gary: take the best Monopoly player you’ve ever known and multiply his diabolical business savy ten fold. Good for everyone one in his "inner circle". Bad for all outside of it. I don’t even know why they call Fourchon by the name Fourchon. It should be Port Gary, or Chouestville.

    FMC/Schilling would do both companies good. Concentrating on work over packages/subsea controls, would position both for consistant growth over the long term. Schilling would probably still maintain their core business and grow that also. FMC could only improve on the deal also.

    Just saying….

    Jason Garic

    Didn’t mean to kill this thread….. 😆 but;….


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