Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Trainee’s check this out

Trainee’s check this out

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Trainee’s check this out

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  • #2189

    Hi Trainee’s,

    I found this Trainee Job opertunity and wanted to share it with you guys.
    I’m not an employer or agency rep, im an experience ROV personnel that wanted to share this lead with you.
    I pasted the job from the website to here.
    When one door is closed, another is open.
    Never give up!

    The ROV Trainee is an introductory position within the ROV organisation. Responsible for the completion of dive and video logs. The Trainee will undertake ROV system maintenance and operation but only under Supervision. The ROV Pilot/Technician is responsible for the proper performance of all tasks they are assigned to by the ROV Supervisor during ROV operations. They therefore have a respo…

    Location: Various
    Job Type: Staff
    Job Ref.: J90802
    To Apply: http://www.oilcareers.com/content/jobsearch/job_advert.asp?id=J90802

    Ray Shields

    You forgot to mention that the job offer is for Acergy and is based in the USA or have a USA work Visa.


    I’m not an agency rep, im just the messenger.
    I see there are some trainee looking for some work, so I found a lead and im telling them about it.
    It’s up to them to gather the facts.



    Nice one mate, its good to see that someone trying to help us new boys trying to get in the business.

    I did see the application and have applied, so fingers crossed now.


    Thank You Brother


    Venki and Kevnewby,

    No problem, let me know how things work out? Are you guys from the states?
    I will keep searching for some more ROV jobs for me fellow ROV comrades.


    nice one mag50 It doesnt matter the details of the job its good enough that you put yourself out and mentioned it.



    No problem, I’m looking out for my ROV comrades. Gratitude goes along way.

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