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Highly incompetent personnel needed

Home Forums General Interesting Websites Highly incompetent personnel needed

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    I wasn’t sure if I should post this in the ‘danger zone’ or here.

    Anyway… A friend of mine is trying to get a job somewhere as a rig worker (drill crew). He registered at one of the many websites around for those positions and also at rigworker.com. They have a newsletter… this is the newsletter they send him with advise to secure a position:

    Getting Promoted.

    After a trip or two you can ask for a promotion or move to another company.

    Choosing to move companies can be very effective.

    You can exaggerate the number of trips you have done a little in your Resume / CV. When you get out to the new rig, you can exaggerate that number even more. That way you will have a higher chance of getting a promotion quicker.

    There may be other guys there that have slightly longer experience than you, but if no one knows exactly when you started, you have a high chance of jumping the que.

    On a rig, you do not know who is friends with who. You should try to get on well with everyone. That way no one will speak bad of you to a potential boss.

    Management have the final say on who gets what job promotion. However, the head of each department or team will always pick who they want in their team and management will almost always go with their decision. Be friends with everybody.

    Makes you think of a Rolling Stones song called Sad, sad, sad…


    James McLauchlan

    A very amateur approach with a hint of attempting to alleviate the desperation of those looking for a job with a future.

    JL Schnabel

    😥 talk about taking the greenhorn for a ride 😥

    TD, from what I understand, it was .rigworker that issued this note of advice?


    This was taken from rigworkers newsletter April 30, 2009.


    JL Schnabel

    👿 I think that’s pretty shocking of them 👿 ❗ ❗ (and it’s poorly written as well)

    Thank you Topdawg for the exposé

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    I get an absolute side-splitting laugh at some of the people in the industry sometimes…. The OP above must think that all ROV personnel are as big a drongo as himself / herself!!!!

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