Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Safety courses required for offshore work

Safety courses required for offshore work

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Safety courses required for offshore work

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    gavin griffiths

    What safety courses are required to be eligible to work offshore? and anything else that is required. also, where are the best/cheapest places to obtain these permits? Decided to scrap the u.w.c idea and research everything i need to know prior to a trainee job….. should i get one!! 😉

    James McLauchlan

    Oh dear… I know this sounds really weird but, since the site started in 2000, I’m not sure that question has ever been asked on here before 😉

    I’ll have to think about it for a while.

    OK, I have an idea.. maybe we should have section in the Forum for ROV Vocational Training or ROV safety courses or something. Then people could ask that type of question and we would then have a record to save experienced people having to repeat themselves.

    Any other suggestions on a postcard to…….

    gavin griffiths

    Get off your high horse you, ex RE are ya. If its been asked before and you dont wish to reply…..then dont reply. Theres no need to be a nark. 😈 People are directed to the rookie corner to ask questions, if they are going to be met with this kind of reply then why have a rookie corner?

    gavin griffiths

    even better, add a sticky telling people which questions they can ask and which questions they cant ask. That way you wont get too upset!!


    He he he. Good start pal, telling the owner how to run his own site.

    I’d say you would find the answers to your questions in the rookie section if you took the time to read thru it.


    What safety courses are required to be eligible to work offshore? and anything else that is required. also, where are the best/cheapest places to obtain these permits? Decided to scrap the u.w.c idea and research everything i need to know prior to a trainee job….. should i get one!! 😉

    My God not again

    gavin griffiths

    I’m having a bad day!!! didnt mean to offend, i just simply mean that most people generally go onto a forum and ask a question without looking through. Its not ideal for you guys answering the questions and i can see how it can become repetitive. Anyhow, we digress. sorry bout the elevated horse comment.


    Good start Gavintheblue!

    You’ve just learnt one of the first lessons about working offshore;- Be careful who you slag or piss off, the person may be influentual even if he works for another company and could be detrimental to your continued presence at the work site.

    Welcome and good luck.

    gavin griffiths

    so i’m on the right track then…..

    gavin griffiths

    so i’m on the right track then…..

    lesson 1: speak only when spoken to!

    James McLauchlan

    Just back home from a long day in my office.

    I’m just so upset by all this… Not sure that I can take it any more and may have to close the site or the pressure might kill me.

    I do get your point, and I can see now the error of my ways.
    As a result I am signing up for a sarcasm management class to try to prevent myself from being quite as sarcastic in future.

    or maybe not


    Just back home from a long day in my office.

    I’m just so upset by all this… Not sure that I can take it any more and may have to close the site or the pressure might kill me.

    I do get your point, and I can see now the error of my ways.
    As a result I am signing up for a sarcasm management class to try to prevent myself from being quite as sarcastic in future.

    or maybe not

    Please advise on this course as I think (or am advised that) I am well overdue to attend.


    James McLauchlan

    Offshore Survival – UK
    The "Offshore Survival Certificate" as the BOSIET is also commonly known, is only valid for 4 years, and a refresher (usually lasting a day) must be done before your old certificate expires otherwise the whole 3 day course must be repeated.

    There is an expiry date added to the certificate on issue.

    Offshore Medical
    For UK waters, all assets are controlled by OGUK (formerly UKOOA).
    From 1 Jan 2007, irrespective of the age of the offshore person, renewals are necessary 2-yearly.

    Individual Operators retain the right to request medical assessments more frequently.

    For UK waters, only physicians who are approved by the United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association (OGUK – UKOOA) Health Advisory Committee should carry out the examination.

    A UK offshore medical used to be simply UKOOA approved. These days UKOOA has been been re-badged to OGUK. Whether they have a medical advisory committee or not I don’t know, but as long as the certificate is issued by a UKOOA or OGUK approved doctor then it will be valid.

    The FAQ sectionon survival and medicals has been updated accordingly.

    James McLauchlan

    I should add that there are differing requirements for different areas of the world. I believe Norway has fallen into line with the rest of Europe on that front.

    For example, I remember a few years back Malaysia decided not to recognise the UK BOSIET survival, and insisted that people took their own survival course whether they had a valid UK survival or not.

    Before carrying out a survival course/refresher or medical, I recommend you first check with your company or Agency on the type of Offshore survival and Medical they recommend you work with.

    OK…. I think we need to update a few things around here on Medicals and Survival course validity. I’ll get onto that.

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