Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training A big thank you to Global Marine Training School, Portland,

A big thank you to Global Marine Training School, Portland,

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training A big thank you to Global Marine Training School, Portland,

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    Having completed one career and deciding to pursue a career in the ROV Field, as well as moving to another country, I came upon this website which has proved of great benefit to myself, so thank you to all who have contributed to this forum.
    I have at times been a little dismayed at some of the negativity of some posts with regards to training schools and people who are new to this industry. To that end, I would like to thank the staff at Global Marine’s Training School in Portland, UK.
    Every question a newbie could have asked, I am sure I did! however daft they may have seemed to someone in the industry. The facilities were outstanding and any and all requests for training was fulfilled. Of particular note was the post course support and the efforts made to me personally to assist in locating ROV Personnel / companies in the Vancouver / Canada area.
    This personal aspect made me realise that the staff WANT to help and WANT to get new people into the industry and will do all they can post course to help out. It is this touch which helped me to obtain employment with my new employer, and for that I am massively in debt to the training school.
    I am not comfortable posting names of the training staff on a public forum but they know who they are. Training schools are not a guarantee of work and I have had to put in an immense amount of time to trawl for employment and find a unique way to get my foot in the door. Any one out there needing info. about this part of the world please PM Me.
    To sum up, training schools have there place,but we all need to work hard as an individual to get into this industry. Thank you Global Marine.

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