Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner No experience, been to the course, not given an opportunity

No experience, been to the course, not given an opportunity

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner No experience, been to the course, not given an opportunity

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    I need advice that may help me get my foot in the door to an offshore company, I been to the rov course at tstc, was one of the top three students of the class. I know I’ve got potential every on I know knows I have potential, I can tear an engine apart and put it back together. I’ve persistent in calling these companies, I’ve been optimistic. But if not winter or resession being the excuse they would knock me for my experience. I didn’t get my first interview till 9 months after I took the course, by a company that normally flies the person out for the interview, wasn’t offer to me at all, I had to drive 1200miles in all for the interview, 1000 of which my throwout bearings went out and I had no clutch. And to top it off I got a quiet and dry personallity that alot hold against me, not even the police department wanted me because of my personality. What ever any one can help me with is appreciated.


    I’ll bite….

    Sounds like you would make a good Ops Manager.



    Thank you JW


    Underestimated, what formal technical qualifications do you have?


    Tesco Lotus here where i live in Thailand look for security guards all the time, now that you cant make it as a Police Man 😉

    James McLauchlan

    Without going too deep here… it may be your self confessed personality, when you contact companies, that is causing problems.

    For ROV work it is crucial that you are able to mix and work with a small team, in close proximity to each other, for 12-13 hrs at a time for weeks on end. I know many people that can’t do that with their wife!

    My point is if the police don’t want you because of your personality then you may be getting knocked back by ops managers for the same reason.

    You might have to reconsider your chosen path… maybe work on a construction barge as a barge mechanic or similar?


    Or pretend your a Fillipino at the interview.

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