Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Advise for Newcomer Needed

Advise for Newcomer Needed

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Advise for Newcomer Needed

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  • #2997

    I did my ROV Pilot Course in Phil with Subnet along with the 3-in-1 course they offered (Fiber Optics/Hydraulics/High Voltage) – completed in May-. I have also done my BOSIET and UKOOA. Prior to that I was working as an electrician.

    I have been applying for jobs all over the globe and they keep hitting out at the relevant experience needed with cover-up excuses like recession or Work Permit issues. I know this cause they will be advertising for ROV jobs via other oil and gas career sites.

    Could anyone please give me some advise on what I am doing wrong? And which companies are known to take on a new comer to the field?

    Would appreciate any advise you could share.


    James McLauchlan

    All the advice you need is already on this site. It’s been repeated often. Check the FAQ’s, read the forums.. especially Rookie Corner and ROV Employment discussions.

    Yet another person sucked in by the promise of highly paid work, worldwide travel etc. Sad really. 🙁

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