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Looking for Olympian T2 guys

Home Forums General Lost Contact? Looking for Olympian T2 guys

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  • #3051
    Gordon Prest

    Hi folks,
    I am urgently looking for the following people if anybody can help and please excuse my spelling:

    Craig Caveney
    Paul McMahon
    Andrew Pillifant
    Shane McFall
    Pete Gillespie
    Phil Doherty
    Lindsay Waller
    Rod Hughes

    Please call me on +971 50 842 6233 at any time night or day or email me at gordon@hprme.com.

    Thanks for your help folks.


    [unsavoury comments on a certain ‘named’ person have been deleted by admin]

    Gordon Prest

    Thanks for that useful bit of information. Maybe you would like to send me your CV?


    Not in need of a job right now.. But I’ll bear you in mind.

    Paul McMahon

    This is addressed to ROV WORLD administration reference the comment added by poster D Jensen. Is this acceptable behaviour of this board for any member to make a personal and cowardly attack on another member?

    I do not know this person and to my knowledge have never worked with this person.

    James McLauchlan

    This is addressed to ROV WORLD administration reference the comment added by poster D Jensen. Is this acceptable behaviour of this board for any member to make a personal and cowardly attack on another member?

    I do not know this person and to my knowledge have never worked with this person.

    Here is a reply from ROV WORLD administration
    No! It is not acceptable…… It quite clearly states that fact in our guidelines.

    However, because one poster strays away from those guidelines doesn’t mean that another should follow suit as you have done.
    On the subject of complaining… The guidelines say:

    If you have an issue with a members language or attitude on this website please alert Admin by PM or via the feedback form.

    If you had read them you wouldn’t have asked that question, but obviously you haven’t bothered and dived right in head first. They are clearly posted in a few areas of this forum.

    A full set can be found Here!

    Below is an excerpt from the guidelines that apply to this situation by way of abuse and how to report such abuse.

    Language – Do not use offensive language.
    This is not a ship offshore it a Forum on the internet and as such is open to people of all ages, so we want everyone to feel comfortable. Offensive language constitutes: profanity, racial, ethnic, and gender based insults or any other personal discriminations, and posts meant to offend or hurt any other members or their work.
    If you need to say something do it sensibly with facts, not with insults.
    If you have an issue with a members language or attitude on this website please alert Admin by PM or via the feedback form.
    If the website Admin deem any posts as offensive then the members account in question may be deleted from the site without warning.
    In particular, if it is deemed that you have directly insulted another member your account will most probably be deleted.

    Here we all have day jobs, either onshore or offshore. This site is run by volunteers it is not publicly owned, nor is it run by democracy, so don’t join one day and complain before you know what the score is.

    I do not monitor this forum 24hrs a day every day. Sometimes I don’t check in for a few days, so comments may go undetected by me. Therefore, as have written often enough before, send me a PM and I will get an email alert and look into it.

    There is no sense in posting a complaint openly for the world to see in the hope that I or another site team members may read it. If you are not happy send a PM to an admin or web team member!

    Somebody has indeed contacted me directly about the abuse (by using the suggested procedure for such things) and on receipt of the notification email (at 07:13hrs this Sunday morning) I have reviewed the issue, carried out the necessary actions in a couple of hours. The offending party will receive a PM shortly.

    Now.. lets see what else Sunday brings other than Sunny weather and 27Deg C 😉

    Gordon Prest

    Sunny weather and 27 degrees, sounds like my neck of the woods James ! Aint we the lucky ones !

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