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Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training UHD COURSE

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  • #3055

    Hi Peeps,

    Does anyone have any idea about the cost of Schillings UHD course. I know it is run in California, they are not looking to start running one in Aberdeen until next year.

    Any info or contacts any of you would like to pass on greatly appreciated.

    Keep safe and most of all, keep smiling 😀



    Wayne Barber is a good guy – he runs it – I was on it two years ago . I think he runs the course from Houston nowadays, but I did ours in Davis.


    Cheers Sav,

    I just found him on Linkedin and sent him a message through that. Handy wee tool is that Linkedin.

    Hope all is good your end Bud



    Hi Sav,

    Wayne no longer works at Schilling, but the info request has been pass on to his replacement. Thanks for your help Pal.

    Be good


    I was offered contract work recently with a company using UHD subs. They offered to send me on UHD course in return for signing a contract to work solely for them for a minimum of one year. I turned them down but if you want their name look for a big player or PM me.



    hmmm, I should think you’ve chosen wisely oh tall one !

    In terms of the course, the banter was great, but in terms of content, I rather think that they should have delivered it via a series of video DVDs and used your time in the classroom towards more involved troubleshooting and a lot more hands on (but then I’m kinaesthetic). They introduce you to the LED-colour coded diagnostics and also how to add a new device (it’s all very much like adding a computer to a network) and you do a system-by-system overview of all the major parts. We did ours as part of a FAT.

    In terms of learning outcomes; whilst you get introduced to the flying screen, I also think that’d be so much better if Schilling created a dumb screen to email you so you could install on a laptop and play with it prior to your arrival. Then you could get a bit of practise and get over the volume of buttons and menus, etc (oh and the safety button-action button thing).

    The course is good and delivers the requisite knowledge, don’t get me wrong and I did learn about the vehicle, but I wouldn’t use it as a basis for contract negotiation as I would expect a new-start to pick this up in practise in a week on shift. I am not a fan of the "we’ve invested thousands in you" type arrangement as I think the line-value of training courses are substantially over-the-top. Far better that the commercial terms of your contract are right at the beginning of the year in the first place. On a better note; california is beautiful (as are the girls) and I reccomend the napa valley and the sterling vineyard (tree-top railway) !!!

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