Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Still trying to get Technical info

Still trying to get Technical info

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Still trying to get Technical info

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    I’m still struggling to get more technical info on ROV systems. I’ve contacted some of the manufacurers but if I hear from them I am pushed into doing a course for $1200 (3 days) because then I will get the manual… what is it with this industry?

    I still think that the more everyone learns about different systems (especially people entering the industry)… the better for everyone… trainees will not come onto jobs like total muppets… which I’m sure will make everyone on that crew more comfortable…

    I am not wanting to start a black market trade in ROV manuals… I really do just want to learn more about the workings of some of the more popular industry ROV systems out there…

    If anyone has any technical info on any ROV in any format… please could you take the time to send it to me…. I’d really appreciate it…


    (yeah yeah I know… shows you how desperate I am)


    Manuals are copyright stuff… and not publicly available.
    When u get a trainee job, u will get access to them… imo u dont really have any use for them unless u get an rov job, and u wont get a job because u say to the company "i have red rov manuls".
    good luck job searching


    Roger that Octane…

    I really really do get the whole copyright thing and I know that I won’t get work because of the fact that I have Read The Fucking Manual (rtfm)… I am just shocked that there is no documentation in the public domain that helps people understand these systems before they go offshore and work on them….

    There is only one person who has told it like it is on this forum… pity there are not more of them in the industry….

    Intermediate type technical documentation should be widely available in the industry… it’s actually a load of sh*t that people trying to gain knowledge of the industry have to either kiss arse or spend $$$’s to get access to this kind of info….

    You experienced guys have nothing to hide…. experience overides knowledge in this game (I should imagine)…. you don’t have to be so protective… get over yourselves….

    Sorry… I’ll be checking myself in now…



    Before I check myself in… let me put it this way…

    I want to become a mechanic…. not specifically Toyota, Nissan or Honda… each one of those companies sell cars and each one of those cars are sold with a User Manual…. which is copywrited (of course)….

    The thing is, I can still go online and get loads of info on how a friggin Toyota Corola 2l Sprinter fuel injected… model I’s carburetta works…!!!

    All I get in this industry are F$%*ing Spec Sheets….

    That’s all I’m trying to say…

    Now… I’ll go check in… bye bye cruel world….



    You need to take it up with the companies… its their policy, not mine.
    If i upload manuals to you or anyone else i probably get fired from my job.
    You understand?


    Yeah I do understand Octane…where you guys are comming from… and I have spoken to the companies…

    They have copyright and clip your wings with confidentiality and all that… I just don’t get it…

    I can understand manuals…you buy a system… you get the manual… but why is there absolutly no other technical data publically available…

    I do hear you….



    Yeah I do understand Octane…where you guys are comming from… and I have spoken to the companies…

    They have copyright and clip your wings with confidentiality and all that… I just don’t get it…

    I can understand manuals…you buy a system… you get the manual… but why is there absolutly no other technical data publically available…

    I do hear you….


    Are you after a specific ROV manual?

    I have a selection kicking about, bear in mind they can be large files and may be system / company specific.

    ROV systems or manips, motors, aux kit, cameras, A frames, winches etc

    Drop me a PM, it may take me some time to convert the specific ROV manual to PDF




    Toon – check your email.


    Paul Bond

    Just read up on hydraulics, electrics, electronics, fibre optics etc – all the info you want is there. You do not need ROV specific manuals at your stage.


    Hi Toon

    Take it easy bud, its just the way the ROV world works.

    By the way:

    The thing is, I can still go online and get loads of info on how a friggin Toyota Corola 2l Sprinter fuel injected… model I’s carburetta works…!!!

    A fuel injected car doesn’t have a carburrettor, so you’ll never find this info!





    As ROVRatt says, take it easy. ROV Manuals, apart from being copyrighted, are usually fairly useless.

    The technical drawings, and the odd setup procedure, are about the only things useful in them. Even then, most of the techincal drawings are confused, or confusing without the actual piece of kit in front of you.

    Much of the problem is down to them being written by the hydraulic or electrical designers of the systems. So you either get lots of pie in the sky techncial jargon, or no useful details whatsoever.

    Additionally, Most ROVs are a conglomeration of various parts from lots of different manafactuerers. This means the OEM manuals – which you’ll find are usually incomplete on most systems (and that includes new ones!) are where some of the most relevant details are. Thank god for the ability to look up websites!

    ROV manuals also usually only have passing references on how to operate the system, which is agruablly the most important part of the whole job.

    Another big factor is that no ROV stays relevant to the associated manuals for more than a couple of years. Operational considerations, or maintainence issues will result in changes to the system which will not be documented in any manafactuerers litrature.

    As someone else stated, work more on the basic principles behind the ROV – Electronic control of subsytems. High voltage electric distribution, Hydraulic and fluid power principles, basic office software. You’ll find that stands you in better stead than learning a specific ROV manual by heart


    Thanks Rovnumpty…. and thanks to all you other guys for getting back to me with info and advice…

    I have been given some interesting technical stuff (not mauals or copyright stuff) that I am slowly going through and which is giving me a better understanding of the workings of ROV’s. I have the theoretical knowledge but very little practical knowledge so what I have been given has helped me.

    The bottom line is that I need to show a bit more patience and less frustration and try to get more practical experience in electronics and hydraulics (which unfortunately is quite difficult) and then learn as much as I can when I eventually do get my foot in the door.

    Thanks again to those who did take the trouble to help me out…


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