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Toon’s Technical ROV Info Quest

Home Forums Miscellaneous Website & Forum Updates – Suggestions – Problems Toon’s Technical ROV Info Quest

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    Hi James (sorry this is a long one)

    I have had an interesting response to my odd post requesting more technical info wrt the more common ROV’s used in the industry. Could I suggest that you have a good look at and revamp your ‘Downloads’ section. Perhaps you guys should even run a poll because there are definately 2 sides to this coin. For what it’s worth, this is what I have found:

    1. There are 2 trains of thought around this topic. One is the standard… it’s copywrited and I’m under contract not to tell anyone side (which is understandable)…. the other is …. yeah, it’s important that new guys get to know the systems as soon as possible so that we can get on with the job… and well done to the guy’s who make the effort…

    2. The people who swing towards the copyright/contract side generally come across as being pretty anal retentive and as Hyball mentioned – anoraks…. whereas the guys supporting the freeflow of info come across as people who know what they are talking about and… well, basicaly, people who one would like to work with.

    3. This point is the clincher for me…. I have have more requests from other people… not all trainee’s… asking me if I have come right with getting any info and if I can share it with them…

    Obviously, I am not going to start trading this info around out of respect…. umm, no one actually got back to me so I have nothing to spread around… ughhhum… but I think the point has been made…

    ROV World should jack up their downloads section… specificaly with respect to ROV related technical documentation…

    Considering I am technically unemployed and have substantial web and software development skills…. I offer you my services free of charge so as to achieve this worthwhile thingy…. no copyrighted stuff, but a library of ROV related doc’s…

    Just a thought…. but I’m up for it if you are…. I think it’ll be very worthwhile….


    Paul Bond

    Toon, considering you are not in the industry and that YOU are the one trying to get in – i would be wary about calling people ‘anally retentive anoraks!’ lol. Good luck in your quest.

    Ray Shields


    it has already been pointed out that a lot of the material you look for is copywrited and therefore it would be illegal to place it on this site to make available. I dont care what side the "coin" would land on, the fact that people would want to have them available is NOT going to mean they will be. And that has nothing to do with anal retentive or anoracks.

    Someone did get back to you – me. I showed you where to legally download the manuals from Schilling for their manipulators. You can freely share those to anyone you want as Schilling make them available to all.

    You already have threads going looking for technical info, kindly stick to those rather than starting up more threads about the same subject.

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