Hi there so i’ve perused the site a little bit , read most of the stickies . Honestly I just came about the idea of perhaps trying to attempt an ROV career today , as I was talking to an instructor for a course here in my native Canada , about doing a commercial diver cert and he told me about the ROV course they are now offering . So obviously the course is a waste of money (glad I came here and read up on it) , but i’m currently just looking for a career change . My questions would be a bit more specific so hopefully i’m not putting anything out there , that was previously posted in a sticky .
First of all , a little about me . I’m a certified elevator technician(lift technician for you EU ppl 😉 ) in Canada and have been for 8+ years , I have extensive knowledge in the areas of : Electrical/Electronics , Hydraulics , and Mechanics . I have worked mostly in the modernization (old to new replacement) and service side (regular and general maintainance) , so my primary skills lie in finding and troubleshooting problems with a huge variety of lift systems . I currently make around $100k USD annually , with really good benefits . Not sure if this is at all applicable , but I also hold a current advanced open water and EANx diver c-cards .
Ok now on to my questions , the first and foremost being .
What are my overall chances with my qualifications of landing a job in the industry as it stands to date ?
What are the average pay rates of someone new to the industry with my type of previous experience ?
Is there any must have certifications a person from north america (I notice most talked about are all based around the UK and EU) should possess before attempting to acquire employment ?
What are people right now finding for the job market , is it quite busy , very slow ? I notice most threads on the current work situation were quite old , hopefully due to lots of people working lol .
Again I hope I am not being to redundant in my line of questioning and apologize if I am .
Thanks for your time .
Cheers , Lee .