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What FAQs would you like to see

Home Forums General General Board What FAQs would you like to see

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  • #320
    Ray Shields

    As James must be completely desperate, he has allowed me access to the FAQ section on here to see if I can fill it with a few words of wisdom.

    Especially all the newbies who come on here, what information would you like to be able to find in the FAQ section?

    For the more experienced guys, is there any interesting items you would like to see in there?

    Working on a How To Write An Offshore CV just now 🙂

    I suppose I could put the whole ROV Training course on there but I have a strange feeling my lot might get upset about that… 😛

    James McLauchlan

    Big reaction there Ray eh? 🙄

    Ray Shields

    Ah its OK, everyone knows that us ROV Super Stars know everything anyway 😆 😆

    James McLauchlan

    Yeah.. kind of makes you wonder how all the superstar knowledge will get passed on 🙂

    Come on guys… ideas for FAQ’s please…….

    Andy Shiers

    Yes , errrrrr
    Always take your PPE gear with you 😯


    Ok here goes

    What is best Offshore survival training course to do

    Do I have to dive?

    What are the best books to read to get some knowledge of how the industry works

    Who does what? Who makes up an ROV Team

    What is expected of a trainee

    Who employes trainees

    Is there an age restriction?

    What can be done if you do not have degree’s or HND certifications. I learn’t my trade by working bloody hard as an apprentice and then gained and NVQ 3 in mechnanical engineering. Been engineering for 15+ years so what does that count for?

    How to put a CV together for offshore work would be brilliant can’t wait for that

    I am sure being someone looking to change career I will be able to think of more…… 😉

    James McLauchlan

    underthethumb Good effort…

    I’m sure Ray will take those onboard and add them if required.

    Cheers for that.

    best regards
    James Mc

    Ray Shields


    What is best Offshore survival training course to do
    If you do an OPITO approved one, this is most accepted worldwide. Note that you need an additional one to work in Norway. Do the Pan European one plus Norway and then you can work anywhere.

    Do I have to dive?
    You mean, do you have to be a diver? Definately not. An ROV pilot technician is a technical job, it has nothing to do with being an underwater labourer. Am I being hard on divers? Maybe:-) But the jobs are completely different.

    What are the best books to read to get some knowledge of how the industry works
    The best books are some ridiculous amount of money. The Competent ROV Pilot Handbook costs £150, but I have seen it available for download as a PDF in various places for nothing 😉

    Who does what? Who makes up an ROV Team
    I have updated this part of the FAQs.

    What is expected of a trainee
    Be keen, want to learn, read the manuals, ask questions, make coffee, empty the bins, understand that sometimes when the pressure is on you HAVE to take a backseat and ask more questions!

    Who employes trainees
    Companies. NOT Agencies.

    Is there an age restriction?

    What can be done if you do not have degree’s or HND certifications. I learn’t my trade by working bloody hard as an apprentice and then gained and NVQ 3 in mechnanical engineering. Been engineering for 15+ years so what does that count for?
    For the Company I work for, they look for people who have a trade, thats who they aim for. Not degrees, not HNC in Business Studies. You need relevant experience be it trade or qualifications.

    How to put a CV together for offshore work would be brilliant can’t wait for that.
    Ive done that, please see the FAQs n let me know what you think.

    cheers, Ray


    why have i been sitting here for 15 minutes trying to think of a question to ask

    why did that guy on the other shift leave that bounty chocolate bar sitting up there where i can see it

    why did nobody say to me your not subeng your supervisor and these two trainee’s are your pilot and subeng till i got out to the job

    why dont i mind any of the above

    Andy Shiers

    Because you are a mercenary and you are being paid for it 😕

    Andy Shiers

    How about ROV friendly hotels around the world ? 🙂


    One for Ray Shields,
    How many peoples careers have you ruined you twisted little cock eyed pervert?


    Ooooooo, harsh!!!
    Who pissed on your parade mate??


    Ooooooo, harsh!!!
    Who pissed on your parade mate??

    Harsh my arse!
    I remember Ray doing the hatchet job. What pissed me was the fact he was happy about shafting the guys, he enjoyed it, actually smiling – the sick fuck. And before you ask, no I wasn’t one of the shaftees 👿



    Given the interest, how about a FAQ on ;

    How to survive in the game, become well respected, know what your’re talking about and a bonus answer for Supv "Best procedures for running off muppets like the ones above"

    Way to go Ray, I bow to you!

    More serious note, how about good self study courses that can be done offshore?

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