Home Forums General Danger Zone! HMRC TAX REFUND


Home Forums General Danger Zone! HMRC TAX REFUND

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  • #3291


    Just been in touch with HMRC after receiving this email today from a PHISHER, it comes with an attachment requesting your credit card and verified by… password….

    Its actually the best scam mailk ive seen yet so beware

    HMRC confirmed its a scam
    —————————– —————— ———————————-
    Dear Applicant:

    Following an upgrade of our computer systems and review of our records we have investigated your payments and latest tax returns over the last seven years our calculations show you have made over payments of ?256.99
    Due to the high volume of refunds due you must complete the on line application, the telephone help line is unable to assist with this application.
    In order to process your refund you will need to complete the attached application form.
    Your refund may take up to 3 weeks to process please make sure you complete the form correctly.
    As we are upgrading our records we require the completed form showing your full current details by 15 January 2010

    Please submit the form attached to confirm the refund.

    S. M.Roberts
    Senior Manager
    HM Revenue & Customs

    © Copyright 2010, HM Revenue & Customs UK All rights reserved.
    TAX REFUND ID: A29R119


    Reminder: Please Submit Your Refund Payment
    From: "customers@hmrc.gov.uk" <customers>

    ExchangeDefender Message Security: Click below to verify authenticity

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