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Questions and discussions for ROV Rookie Corner

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Questions and discussions for ROV Rookie Corner

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    Dave Long

    Hi jamesmc and all the crew at ROVworld………….

    I am taking a good look at joining the industry, so I am (as the site recommends) reading the FAQ’s, researching everywhere I can think of (including as many ROV manuals as possible), tweaking the Resume, dusting off the old certificates / tickets, recent BOSIET course, emailing ROV companies and following up with the required phone calls to seek out the initial opportunity, then the actual leg work, so I am not expecting the usual plethora of "caustic replies’, (but be my guest)!

    The reason I write is to join the ROV community network to assist my desire to "get my foot in the door".

    I think that we would all agree that the ROV industry is a fairly "young" industry, and that being so, every one came into it from a previous career. I hope to be another one of those "rookies"also.
    I hope to see some discussions on:
    *the current industry (bouyant/ otherwise)
    *where the community sees the industry going
    *Who is recruiting
    *Who is laying off
    *Industry information on what rigs are active / moving/ de commisioned

    In short, some real discussions on the industry from the industry!

    PS: I would like to catch up with anyone for a pint/ lunch in Perth!! πŸ˜€

    Hope this is the right thread!

    Scott Beveridge

    Well werzul,

    So far, so good…. Ya’ did the pre-requisites.

    Industry in general is sloooooooow. And there’s been a lot of concern (for us older / established carunts) that the rates have been going south when they should be going north… At least this is MY biggest gripe / rant….

    Oz is a good place to start – there’s actually guys that haven’t lived there for years heading back there – if that tells you a thing or 2…

    Dave Long

    Thanks Scot,
    Pleased to see I didn’t get a ‘spray’ in response to my first post! πŸ™‚
    I guess my situation is all about the first opportunity and for someone to "give me a go".
    Perth is a small place with a limited number of prospective ROV companies, so the ratio of "wannabee’s" to actual positions (especially trainees) must be big.
    As the industry moves forward, and as you say the greybeards are not getting any younger, will the industry continue to source new blood as it does now, or can you see it "growing it’s own" through specific Apprenticeships/ traineeships/ etc within the industry itself?
    Will the big operators have their own Training Schools etc?

    Cheers πŸ˜€

    Scott Beveridge

    At the moment there’s a LARGE glut of young folks and wannabees in the industry – and to my (and a few hundred other old hands) chagrin – are heavily under-cutting the dayrates. Cooks and stewards will soon surpass our pay rates.

    There are already too many "training schools" – someone needs to weed them out….


    funny you should mention that scotbeve – a company in perth is doing that right now…………


    MORE than 60 staff from an oil and gas service company teamed up with Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) to get their hands dirty last week in an effort to help restore the Friends of Attadale foreshore.

    The staff from Neptune Marine Services put their gloves on and had their shovels in hand to pull out the invasive weeds taking over part of the Swan River Foreshore along Burke Drive in Attadale.

    CVA partnerships manager Rebecca Young said it was great to see such an enormous turnout from an organisation.

    β€œWith many hands working together, a marked improvement will be made to this important conservation area,” she said.

    In recent years the area had succumbed to an infestation of invasive plant species such as typha and kikuyu, which had over-run native sledges and shrubs, affecting the health of the river system and choking wildlife habitat.


    Dave Long

    thanks for highjacking the topic and some very well researched piss taking…. πŸ˜€
    anyway, where was I, oh yes opportunities and discussion about the industry and that OZ looks like a good place to start.
    I notice through my trawling on the site that I havn’t seen much/anything on the LPG /Gorgon project?
    Any one else seen much?

    PS: baglimit………..be my guest πŸ˜‰

    how ’bout a pint in Perth 8)



    many tenders for gorgon subsea installations etc closed yesterday.

    Dave Long

    cheers baglimit,

    good link for information and a good read πŸ˜€
    how do you think it will impact the industry?

    Good for OZ, or worldwide?

    Richard Black

    Hi all. I dont know about getting work in ROV but just finding anything offshore seems to be an impossibility. Ive applied for about 800 jobs since I took my ROV tech 2 course, medicals and survival and still havent been taken on. I have come from a really strong automotive and tunnelling background and also have family working offshore but still zero!! What do i need to do to find work offshore!!!


    Werz & Mr Black

    Havn’t been on this site for ages… been trying to get experience with both hydraulics & Electronics…. sending my CV all over the place and still not getting work (even though I am passionate about the whole ROV thing)…

    The industry is really very slow at the moment (and has ben for more than a year). I thought things would change with the price going over $70 and with BP’s fuckup…..but nothing is opening up.

    I think my point is that if you guys really want to get into the indudustry (like I do) then you have to be pro active and learn as much as you can to make yourself(ves) employable…. hell… I’ve built my own ROV and do hull inspections at my local marina just to add it to my CV… but nothing…. Thing is I’m not going to give up just yet…. I want to be in this industry…

    Are you committed….?


    With regards to where the industry is going? well that depends which nationality you are, what the recent takeover bid of S club by Acergy who are both hell bent on employing cheap foreign labour, next it will be two other majors joing forces so they can compete Saipem Technip may be not French and Italians? But others?
    If your Ozzie then the unions have a tight grip there so for those who are already in the industry they will be fine but not enough exploration continuity for a regular intake of new people into the ROV industry in Oz, riggers get paid more in Oz than ROV anyway, do that, easy life pull on a couple of ropes and talk shite all day.
    Loads of better jobs that pay far more money in the subsea/offshore industry anyway.
    Don’t waste thousands of Β£/$ trying to get into an industry that is not as good as everyone seems to think, I wish 15 years ago I had stayed where I was(FMC subsea completions)I would be earning about double of what I am now, after this project in Brazil finishes I am going back to that, starting at the bottom again and still be earning more than I am now.


    Intresting post R_V_C,

    I ken a few loons at FMC and equivalent companies regularly getting upwards o Β£800 per day at equivalent o oor Sub Eng Level, hee haw responsibility and a skite mair than this an old worn Supergerkin

    Canna be that hard πŸ˜†

    Whaurs ma CV, i’ll easy mak the tea fir that dough…..

    With regards to where the industry is going? well that depends which nationality you are, what the recent takeover bid of S club by Acergy who are both hell bent on employing cheap foreign labour, next it will be two other majors joing forces so they can compete Saipem Technip may be not French and Italians? But others?
    If your Ozzie then the unions have a tight grip there so for those who are already in the industry they will be fine but not enough exploration continuity for a regular intake of new people into the ROV industry in Oz, riggers get paid more in Oz than ROV anyway, do that, easy life pull on a couple of ropes and talk shite all day.
    Loads of better jobs that pay far more money in the subsea/offshore industry anyway.
    Don’t waste thousands of Β£/$ trying to get into an industry that is not as good as everyone seems to think, I wish 15 years ago I had stayed where I was(FMC subsea completions)I would be earning about double of what I am now, after this project in Brazil finishes I am going back to that, starting at the bottom again and still be earning more than I am now.

    brian mcritchie


    I’d re-word what you have written (you sound like Aberdeen, Peterhead area) !!!!

    Nobody south of Stirling will understand that. HE HE !!!!!!!

    All the best …. (fellow sheep shagger !)


    Aye well dandydon just ventin me frustrations at whit a shite hole this industry has turned inti. f**k me 15 year ago I wiz ernin 550 nicker a day as basically a subsea tech, 15 year layer ROV superintendent and aboot the same, shite! Mate thats still wee FMC running ROVCON 700 nicker a day and double bubble aiffter twa wicks affshore, bast**d, should a bid wee im in the completions game, knockin on twa hunder gran a year and hee haw responsibility.
    ROV industry foo O wa****s noo adays onywye nae craic like there youst tae be!! Why am gan back tae an industry foo O wa***s but least the dosh is crakin!!

    dandy ye buying a season ticket for Pittodrie this year?


    Agree with a guid deal o fit yer saying ther RVC,

    The joab is f*cked, 35 years and 3 wives but a’wiys a guid craic, the soul’s gone from maist o the crews a work wi.

    If it wisnae fir a few good skins a’d be climbing the crane and commitin sidewiys

    Am oan a good screw but the days are dwindlin thru choice a may add but the writins on the wa’, stolt and subsea merging, the end is ni bro.

    Anyway, yer mate deserves his dough working wi Rovcon tho ho ho, what a bag o shite, gie me an icarus or big bro anyday…awaitin the incoming

    As fir the pittodrie ticket, i’ve nae the time nooaday’s too busy buyin up land and trying tae build hooses, rather ston in the pishin rain and be shat on by abz’s finest, but a um a sado…and a sheep shagger..cheers bigbri πŸ˜€ a’ it takes is wan sheep min and yir roads tarred fir life.

    wish i owned an old scorpio ………….

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