Home Forums Jokes! Have a Laugh! :) Sven is new Ivory coast coach

Sven is new Ivory coast coach

Home Forums Jokes! Have a Laugh! :) Sven is new Ivory coast coach

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  • #3394
    Robert Black

    Okay, granted, not an rov pay rate subject. Just want to see what people think of this quite gifted coach taking on the massive task of coaching an African team full of talent who can’t seem to gel so close to the world cup and how long it’ll take you to divert the thread onto the fact that he is probably working for less than an ROV supv would do the job for in an industry where labour is going cheap and cheap doesn’t necessarily mean low quality anymore. The B******* scab!

    JL Schnabel

    Ahem KreuzOps… ❗

    Who exactly is ‘Sven’ ❓


    He was the guy in Abba I think

    JL Schnabel

    Wasn’t Sven in Aha?!

    😯 😯 😯



    Didn’t he star in that film with Yul Brynner?

    "The Magnificent Sven" 😆


    If he’s working for less maybe it’s…………..!

    "Subsea Sven"!

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