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Courses from tullos/sparrow aberdeen any use for rov trainee

Home Forums General General Board Courses from tullos/sparrow aberdeen any use for rov trainee

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    Are these courses worth doing



    I currently have maybe 2 years left in my current job so i could do an hnc part time but alot of time is wasted on stuff like communications, It, learning skills ect.

    The above have courses in electronic/hydraulic and their svq/nvq based and probably very expensive. A Hnc cost around 1200 plus expenses but then your pretty restricted to one discipline and not the many it appears rov folk need.
    I could try and handpick relevant modules from marine engineering courses and electronic as well as the hydraulic one but it involves alot of travelling about to different colleges.
    The 2 colleges below have the courses if anyone with the relevant experiance could have a quick peak at the part time section or even the fulltime bit and point out what modules would be worth doing I would appreciate it


    I am already going through the recommended electonic and hydraulic reading from the other posts and the academic side of things isnt really a problem its getting hands on experience that is. The closest ive come is building,fixing and moding pcs and the occasional shift at my uncles reconditioning pipe valves from offshore and thats more unskilled grinding and hitting things with a hammer that actual technical work. the only other skills i can apply from my current proffesion is the H&S, It communications report writing ect so at the moment havnt really got much to offer an employer.

    Ray Shields

    I did the hydraulics SVQ available through Aberdeen College via Distance Learning a couple of years back. At the time it was £450 and my work paid for it. Being an electrical/electronic discipline ROVver, I found it extremely good and relevant to the job.

    Looking at the Sparrows one, I think you could probably get better more specific courses from colleges etc. Obviously Sparrows concentrate on crane aspects of stuff so might not all be relevant (and probably v expensive)

    Tullos Training, however, at first glance seems to supply a good wide range of relevant courses and might be more suited to what you want.


    Tullos Training!!!
    Do yourself a favour & stay well clear mate!!!!!
    Instructors were learning stuff from second year apprentices when I was there (bar one ex RGU Mathematics lecturer) but on the whole the lack of practical resources are not made any better by the less than suitable standard of teaching from a bunch of dinosaurs "that have years of irelevant experience", my arse!!
    Had to wait 12 months after the submition of my final pieces of work before I saw any certification from them.
    Best bet if you’re currently working in other fields would be to do some night classes @ Aberdeen college which I then went on to do after (a big difference) or to check out a website for colu.co.uk Believe they’re pretty good plus you can work @ your own pace.
    All the best 😯


    hi Pictish

    After much research I decided to go with colu.co.uk to do a HNC. Its about 200-250 quid a module but theres not much travelling and you can pay as you learn. Not recieved any material yet but I am aslo doing a maths bridge unit as the maths in my BSc was all statistics so I have to relearn from scratch.

    Good luck!

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