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Air in HV JB

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Air in HV JB

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    Hi All,

    We have been monitoring our HV JB comp with the pan and tilt while diving and see that it is loosing volume but returns to set volume when back on deck. That says there is air in it somewhere. We have bleed it regularly and even tilted the ROV so that the bleed point is on the highest end. The wire line hose to the electric motor is free of any air bubble and seal between HV JB and electric motor is secure.

    We have just recently changed the packing to a complete piece of rubber. One thought here is that because it is a complete piece there is air trapped between it and the lid. Have any of you experienced this and is it custom o cut a gross into the complete packing to stop this from happening. What role does the thether play into this as well.

    Must also say that the comp we are using has only about a litre of oil volume and I’m sure it is bottoming out (working in 800m of water). Has anybody out there ever monitored there HV JB comp while diving.




    Offshore dog

    I have just PM you what i think.



    this is a piss take surely!

    8 weeks on a rig i am starting to get synical but ….


    Has somebody let the trainee on the PC without asking first!


    or another top attendee from fort william or similiar…..

    if i hear 1 more time ‘in my short experience’ i will scream!

    ok ok i’m going….


    I think the Andy Capp Avitar says it all !!!!


    Hi There,

    First off thanks for the PM (typicalROVWhiner).

    Really think it must be hard for the guy’s on misiuek’s crew. Can’t be anything but pain to sit and listen to him for 8 weeks, and then poor old JB2 guess you either didn’t know how to use a computer or computers weren’t around when you were a trainee.

    Why don’t you rather try and answer it or are you afraid some trainee might take your job.

    Thanks again to all of you out there that are willing to share your knowledge.




    I guess the PM (personal mail) from TypROVwhine was to spare your blushes?

    Where’s the oil going and coming back from!
    800m Tether/Umb water pressure DOH!


    Q: How many trainees to bleed a comp?

    A: Two, one to watch the Supv doing it and other to tell everyone on the net how he would have done it.

    Don’t forget to write a tech log saying how YOU solved the problem without even getting oil on your hands.


    That’s a bit cruel isn’t it truffles (axeman) . i mean the guy was only asking. Maybe he never worked deep water before ?


    me again.

    to you this time typical rov whiner. Could you post a copy of your pm reply. i mean i’m pretty interested myself. i know we run the risk of getting slagged off, me for asking and you for whatever you say wether informative or not but i gives the lads their fun won’t you agree.


    When I started in this industry, a great Guru said to me, ‘Share your knowledge.’ he certainly does & he’s a genius. I would say anyone who knows him respects him and considers him as a friend.

    Some blokes think they know everything and scorn anyone with a little less savy.
    Most of their crew love them too, when they bugger off on the chopper. Often these sad people only exist in the industry because someone on the beach keeps covering their rear. (Make your own image) Time is the great revealer and it eventually comes out in the wash. So, many of us would encourage continued topics in the Technical Forum as we will appreciate the opportunity to learn.

    Keep them coming. There is an army of very intelligent / experienced, pleasant blokes out there who are willing to share. As one finds with being aboard, at times one has to tolerate the less socially equipped peasants but we emerge the better for it.

    Good luck with the rest of your hitch.
    I’m off to eat lotus flowers and play with myself.

    au revoir,


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