Home Forums General Interesting Websites The ROV manual: a user guide to observation-class ROVs

The ROV manual: a user guide to observation-class ROVs

Home Forums General Interesting Websites The ROV manual: a user guide to observation-class ROVs

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    The ROV manual: a user guide to observation-class remotely operated vehicles
    By Robert D. Christ, Robert L. Wernli

    This ‘manual’ seems to be completely online in Google Books.

    Sorry, the book is not fully available on Google Books as I announced earlier today.
    It’s a ‘limited preview’:

    Many of the books you can preview on Google Books are still in copyright, and are displayed with the permission of publishers and authors. You can browse these "limited preview" titles just as you would in a bookstore, but you won’t be able to see more pages than the copyright holder has made available.

    When you’ve accessed the maximum number of pages allowed for a book, any remaining pages will be omitted from your preview. You can order full copies of any book using the "Get this book" links to the side of the preview page.

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