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New Marine ROV Simulator Launched

Home Forums General General Board New Marine ROV Simulator Launched

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    Honolulu, November 28, 2006 – Marine Simulation LLC announced the release of ROVsim™, an affordable, physics accurate, and visually realistic Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) simulator. Using state of the art technologies originally developed for the video game industry and over 2 decades of hands-on industry experience, ROVsim™ is optimized to simulate a wide range of mission variables: from changing currents and visibility, tether and collision problems, to electronics and gear failures. Potential simulated missions include: harbor security, hull inspections, dam and bridge inspections, deep water drilling and cable work, law enforcement / evidence recovery, scientific data collection, tunnel / pipeline inspections, marine archeology and underwater rescue. ROVsim™ is designed to operate on low-cost personal computers as well as “off the shelf” components and is available for both Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X operating systems. A free demo version is available for download from Marine Simulation LLC’s website ( http://www.marinesimulation.com/ ).

    About Marine Simulation LLC – Marine Simulation™ LLC produces interactive, computer-based simulations of surface and sub-surface craft for marine professionals. By using state of the art technologies originally developed for the video game industry and backed with over 20 years marine and computer software development experience, their simulators deliver a level of visual and functional realism never before possible. Other products by Marine Simulation LLC include vSHIP™, a full bridge simulator designed to train ship personnel and vSHIP MOB a Man Overboard training simulation.

    Contact: Paul Unterweiser, Founder and President
    Marine Simulation LLC



    Something I’d like to see is a "failure mode" version in the software.

    I.e you can be flying along nicely and then "boo00000oom" – out goes a thruster as you’ve just clouted a mid-water archway that wasn’t on the survey maps. Perhaps another fault could be a seaeye thruster shearing off its mounts and go rattling off in front of the camera, secured by it’s tether only!!!!!

    Could you release a version of the software where we could fight using different ROVs armed with torpedo’s??


    Blah Blah Blah, what alot of pish.

    The only real training is on the job.

    And I dont mean banging your missus.

    The Finger.


    I thoroughly agree with you, playing games on the living room PC is no where near as much fun as being in the water with thruster pressure dropping rapidly, a superintendant close to tears and the client close to the edge.

    If they made the software available for 25 quid then I’d be interested. It’s not like we are planning multiple bombing strikes and need to practise coordinating for weeks in advance of performing a pipeline survey.


    hmmm not very good is it ,infact its about 10% as good as the one we have been playing about with at O…………G


    come on guys!

    It’s an American company.

    Being able to navigate from your TMS/cage to the job is considered skilled piloting in the states.

    Anything that makes them better shouldn’t be sniffed at.


    They need to sort out some joystick support on it, but it’s not utterly horrendous. Also there is no background music like you’d find in the shack.


    ok, flew around the jacket – the tms seems to follow sub when it should really stay still around the platform unless i darned well ask the vessel to relocate? Ran around the seabed, played on the shipwreck, kicked some boxes around.

    needs pan-tilt and sonar so you cant practise keeping the jacket wall in view and looking at sonar feed to keep your references in place, can’t look up n down whilst you change depth which is pants,

    the weather needs to be made a hell of a lot worse, tether out/retract ain’t in there, the visibility is excellent – needs to be made crap.

    also you don’t see your tether in the main window -it’s soo positively buoyant I can’t catch up with it in full thrust up- I normally fly back to the tms using it as my guide !

    It’s a start at least.

    Should rovworld get some money out of these guys if we give them some bitching about where their software is going wrong? If we fly for say 50 hours between us and give feedback??? In return, we don’t litter the web-site with corporate sponsorshit.

    Otherwise, take this post down please james!!!!

    Mike Kidd

    Gave it to the trainee, he loves it, no tangles, don’t have to worry about turns, and best of all if it all goes wrong Press ESC
    Just like the real thing

    Should put it on the Reps monitor as well! No down time 😀 😀

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