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ROV Training Centre in Cape Town, South Africa

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner ROV Training Centre in Cape Town, South Africa

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  • #3747
    Khalil Aleker

    Hi All,

    OSTRAC – Offshore Skills Training Centre in Cape Town, South Africa just released the course schedule for the rest of the year.

    ROV Pilot Tech Courses on the:
    20 Sep 2010 – 1 Oct 2010
    11 Oct 2010 – 22 Oct 2010
    8 Nov 2010 – 19 Nov 2010
    17 Jan 2011 – 28 Jan 2011

    Cost: R30, 000 (South African Rand)

    Location: Simonstown, Cape Town

    Trainer: Richard van de Merwe

    If you further interested, let me know, will ask the co-ordinator to contact you


    Andy Shiers

    Out of interest and for the benefit of Guys wanting to get into the Industry.
    What ROV’s are you using to train on ? 🙄

    Khalil Aleker

    Hi Lostboy

    We use Outlanders 1000 🙂


    How many courses for ROV personell or other personell have the OSTRAC completed and how long have they been in existance?

    Would you or do you publish a course prospectus and if so where?

    Can you give a reason why ,at this time in our industry ,you have decided to train ROV personell?

    Scott Beveridge


    Do you have a link for Outlanders?? Searched on here and Google USA with no luck except for this: http://www.outlandtech.com/

    Khalil Aleker

    Good Morning from Cape Town


    1) We completed and certified 39 ROV Pilots – company established in 2007

    2) Course Modules include:

    – Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV)

    – Typical Offshore Operations, Installations & Vessels

    – Lifting Equipment (maintenance & operations)

    – ROV Crew & Technology

    – Overall Safety & Environmental Awareness

    – Emergency Procedures

    – ROV Project Environment

    – Common Marine & Subsea Structures

    – Marine Environment Factors

    – Navigation

    – Administration

    3) As mentioned established in 2007 – initial objective to empower & train professionals in Africa

    Khalil Aleker

    Hi ScotBeve – will ask the Training Instructor for more information. It’s a public holiday today in South Africa 🙂



    Thank you for your response.

    Are your modules taken from IMCA guidelines or are they from another source?

    Would it be possible to view the contents of the various modules?

    These are not questions to decry your school or modules,they are merely for knowledge of what is being taught to people who will potentially enter our profession.

    I am sure you are aware by now that the IROVA is coming into existance and we will be involved globally for the good of our industry.

    An insight to what is being taught in SA would be valued and welcomed.

    Khalil Aleker

    Hi IROVA

    Yes we are IMCA Accredited. No I understand completely, send me your email I ask the trainer to forward you details.


    You can contact me at info@irova.org

    Khalil Aleker

    ScotBeve, see the link below – we use Seatrepid Outland 1000 ROVs for Training in Cape Town.


    Andy Shiers

    Sadly , These ROV’s have not seemed to make their mark in the offshore Industry. ( Well , Only in the states maybe). They are Not powerful enough and not globally viable for parts / spares.
    Surely it would be beneficial to invest in an ROV which has proven to be succesful and plenty available in the Industry ? I can then see a plus side.
    SeaEye vehicle for instance.
    How about a Sub Atlantic ROV that Trainees can take apart and fix prior to getting into the offshore Industry . There is a constant need for Sub Atlantic Techs that can fix them.

    Khalil Aleker

    Well this is valuable information, thanks LostBoy… I will forward this to my manager. SeaEye seems a better bet.


    Hi all,

    This ooks dodgy. Website under construction, no physical address etc. I checked and found this link only: http://ostrac.com/index.php/page/ostrac-courses2.htm

    I think a far better option is marine solutions (www.marinesolutions.co.za) if you want to train in SA. They are primarily an ROV-operating company with a 10-year plus service record and operate several Seaeye ROV systms (falcons, cougar, surveyor etc) and are the Seaeye agent in Southern Africa. They hae a formal business premises and a deep-water training site and dont rely on courses to keep in business like OSTRAC no doubt do.

    I have no interest in training or these businesses, but it seems to me Marinesolutions would be a better option than OSTRAC. At least you will see and use better kit which is in ciommon use offshore and the business is not relying on you tokeep going and tey have a good ROV serice history.

    Also, with OSTRAC, whooare the instructors? Do they have good experience in ROV or not?


    Hi again all,

    Forgot to add: Is the OSTRAC training IMCA-accredited? If this is claimed, then I querry this as to my knowledge, IMCA only accredits diver, LST and dive tech training, not ROV training. OSTRAC is claiming this, but in reality, as an IMCA-member company, the only thing they will have is a commitment to follow the IMCA guidelines for the ROV training presented that they undertake to adhere to (which no-one checks) and the undertaking that other member-companies will recognise their certificates. Unfortunately, with no external review or verification of training standards, selection criteria for students, instructor vetting etc, this is a weak area exploited by some when claiming IMCA-recognition and accreditation. I fear that this may be yet another example of an upstart company trying to exploit the many willing to pay money to geta course certificatewit the unrealistic hop that there is a paying job available for them after doing it (although I hope I am wrong).

    Although another forum, it would be good if IROVA or IMCA would actually audit an review this and other schools/training centres and approve or reject them on the basis of quality asit will solve a lot of problems and save trainees money better spent elsewhere.

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