Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner How’s the industry??

How’s the industry??

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner How’s the industry??

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    Matthew Barbour

    Just wondering how the industry is looking at the moment and into the near future??
    Completed a courses beginning of last year and after a phone around realised that sitting alongside was a bunch of qualified ROV pilot/techs waiting for work so I haven’t really be out there looking. Is there a light at the end of this tunnel or is it still a bit bare at the moment.
    I remember shooting seismic in 01/02 there was nothing worse than sitting around for a month or three waiting for a new contract to come along (I was one of the full time crew as well), is it pretty much like that at the moment.
    Anyway take it easy,

    Ray Shields

    With the publicity and news items or the last few months all about underwater robots, even more people than ever are trying to get into the ROV industry.

    This means more people willing to work for less and less money which means even more difficult to get started and les money for those who are already in the industry.


    Our industry is in a downward spiral and has been for some time.

    Training schools are churning out many people with promises of a great future and good pay.

    The reality is that our industry does not have a great future as it stands and the pay and conditions are getting worse by the day.

    To all those people thinking of putting their hands in their pockets to feed the annual profits of training schools,please listen to those people who are in the industry and telling you what it is like at present and avoid listening to marketing strategies which are geared only to company profits.

    Now is not a good time to enter our industry when you consider all the other offshore trades rates of pay and amounts of work then we as ROV people come very low in the pile.

    Matthew Barbour

    It’s a shame this training schools keep ruining and over supplying what could be a specialist field as I know where I done my training hasn’t run a course in over 18 months and to get onto the course you had to be selected by industry and have a solid trade background. It is almost fraudulent for what you have to pay for the course to continue to run them with no demand from industry. Bad luck for me I made the decision to do the course at the beginning of the GFC.
    Anyway good luck to everyone and I’ll pop back in 6 months to get an update.
    Cheers again,


    Matty…..Don’t be put off trying to get in the Industry now…Just go for it….If you really want to get into ROVs theres nothing stopping you just get your CV out there and see what happens…..

    The industry is a bit slow and there are a lot of not so good people getting jobs out of these training schools but hey ho…thats life….If yuu feel you have the right experience and knowledge then go for it….

    Scott Beveridge

    The above statement by ROVtastic is optimistic but correct…. one never knows… You could walk in the door and some HR person who doesn’t know an ROV from a wall socket will hire you… It’s a matter of timing half the time.

    Of course you can always trust those high integrity schools….

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