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Home Forums Jokes! Have a Laugh! :) Dilema

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  • #3975
    Allan Lawson


    I’ve not been able to sleep tonight for thinking about this and had been pondering it all day as i was stuck in the house due to the snow.

    I’m not mechanical biased so to speak but it all seems quite easy compared to the electricity lark so here goes.

    Got told by someone that when using a spanner it’s righty tighty and lucy lefty.

    Now, to me this makes no sense at all cos as you turn the knut by 180 degrees, half the time you are going left and the other half going right.

    Is someone trying to wind me up?

    Thanks in advance.



    Quick, stare at the snow till you go blind/mad, then get naked run around outside and do face down snow angels!!!!!!!!!

    PS. While you a horizontal think about whether your arms go up/down or do they go forwards/backwards?????

    Interesting concept me thinks hey???????????? 😯 😯 😯


    I’ve invested in a couple of the new fangled ratchets they brought out recently. I’ve got one for tightening and one for loosening. It’s the future man.


    There is no hope……….

    Scott Beveridge

    And all you "old" hands are still taking the hook, line, and sinker !!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    Allan Lawson

    Starting to get a bit fed up with this forum already. If you don’t have anything constructive to say then don’t say it please.

    Is it some sort of initiation to constantly knock down new posters?

    I try to offer some pro-active thinking and get shot down by ‘the clique’

    Grow up chaps

    Scott Beveridge

    No. 1,

    Sorry, I thought you were taking the parsh. Really…. And Oz – I agree with you (for once)…

    Andy Shiers


    I’ve not been able to sleep tonight for thinking about this and had been pondering it all day as i was stuck in the house due to the snow.

    I’m not mechanical biased so to speak but it all seems quite easy compared to the electricity lark so here goes.

    Got told by someone that when using a spanner it’s righty tighty and lucy lefty.

    Now, to me this makes no sense at all cos as you turn the knut by 180 degrees, half the time you are going left and the other half going right.

    Is someone trying to wind me up?

    In a word………………. Yes 😀


    😯 😯

    Allan Lawson

    Finally. Thanks lost boy. Who do you work for? I think i’ll come and work for your company. DM me the details.

    Also the person that gave me that bad advice will be getting punched in the goolies. TWICE.

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