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safety for ££££’s

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    given the recent rate increases in the undustry. would you sacrifice safety ie nigeria for £££££’s or take a lower rate so you can have that choice.

    example technip pay rises? also fugro have given a £25 day uplift to work in west africa. is it worth it?


    I suppose its all down to wether getting shot at gives you a buzz or not…. 😈 An extra £25 is pitiful considering the possibility. Ive not worked out that way outside of the military, but what sort of security arangements are made for you guys who have worked out there?


    The rig crew on the Stena Tay get 42% extra on their pay for working off Nigeria and Fugro gives us £25 a day !!!!.

    Another reason to join the RMT


    We are lucky, in the current climate, to have a choice of where we work. There’s equally as good money around the world where we don’t run such risks or pump our bodies full of pills. While things are like this you will only find me in a number of more pleasant work environments.

    I know a guy who went out to Africa and was given a gun and told to patrol a refinery, not quite what he expected but the wonga was so obscene he stayed.

    Money does speak volumes……if there’s enough!! Depends what you would call ‘enough’ and how the recipient compares this to their life/families.

    I know some guys who are desperate for experience and/or money who will jump at any job regardless of where but I wonder what it would take to attract some of the experienced guys……



    I got a 50 % pay cut , now only on 650 gbp a day , oh well , off to Cayman Islands tomorrow to recruit whores . 😯



    You’ll be my relief then…….see you tomorrow…. 😀



    Another reason not to work in Africa.


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