Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner How to get into the ROV world

How to get into the ROV world

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner How to get into the ROV world

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  • #4011

    HI all,

    I am leaving the Armed Forces in 6 months and I am looking at getting into the off shore industry particularly ROV.

    I have a equivalent to an Engineering degree with 20 years experience in Electroninc Engineering and Project/Engineering Managment.

    What is the first step and what training would benifit me.

    I have started to look on the Subsea7 website but I need more information

    Thanks in advance for any advice

    Ray Shields

    If you read through the information and messages on here, especially in the Rookie section and the FAQs (link over on the left), you will see that there is lots of information on here, this question is asked over and over again, and you will not get much help from anyone by not bothering to read the information before posting such a message.

    It may appear rude, but when the same question is asked every week, people do get sick of it 🙂 Especially when people just join and ask without searching first.

    Happy New Year and come back when you have read through it and have more specific questions.

    James McLauchlan

    I realise that initially the first response may seem a little curt, but there is a solid reason behind suggesting that just about all that is needed, by way of an answer, is already on this website. Just search and you will find it.

    After searching and reading, if you still have questions by all means ask.

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