Home Forums General General Board DSND Pelican Crew member missing overboard

DSND Pelican Crew member missing overboard

Home Forums General General Board DSND Pelican Crew member missing overboard

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    DSND Pelican Crew member missing overboard



    A missing oil worker who was thought to have fallen overboard from his dive support vessel in the North Sea has been found alive on board the ship.


    Andy Shiers

    Witha broken leg 😕
    One wonders why it took so long to find the guy ?
    The Pelican is not exactly a passenger liner ! 😯
    What was he doing in the storeroom ?


    would they have search the boat whilst looking for him overboard? or just assumed he fell over.
    Is there a course of action that is followed when someone is missing.


    Well thank f*ck he’s alive.


    Here is an account of events.
    The supervisor touched my knee and it led from there to a full blown affair which has lasted for the last few months.
    I remembered what dad used to tell me at a young age, so that was the day I took his advice and went into hiding as he was the Irish hide and seek champion of April 1936.

    For any further questions on events, please contact me so the rumours can be dispelled. 😯


    are S7 that good to work for? dive control will never let us live this down 🙄

    Andy Shiers

    Well 😕
    I have heard that they have become quite incestral 😯
    Nelson69 as to your question .
    When there is a boat drill of any kind a list of names is taken and forwarded to the bridge . A crew member is then sent to all cabins to check for occupied beds !
    The norm practice is two crew members to start from one end of the ship to the other both carrying radios. One stay if body or person found and the other to contact by phone if radio not in range , Two engineers do similar in the engine compartments . the only time this changes if there is a fire on board then the shipping companies have their own drills as to how to go search and rescue ( BA etc..)
    Leaving harbour after a bout of binge drinking is a classic case of "is he here ? still in the bar ? or is he over the side ?

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