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  • #437

    Hi folks, i`m not sure this is the right place to post this but i`ll give it a try.
    I have just got a trainee job as an mechanial on one of fugro-geoteams vessels starting in April. Any one know how the life onboard this vessels are like? I have no experiense what so ever, i am "fresh":) Any inputs are welcome:)


    Ta med deg laptop + masse filmer så klarer du deg fint 🙂
    Ikke glem sjøsjuke tabletter hvis du ikke er vant til å jobbe på båt.
    Lykke til!

    J Deans

    Are you ships crew or survey crew? As Octarene said in Norsk, take a laptop and movie or books because the 12 hours off can get very boring.

    If you are ships crew you will probably be reasonably busy on your shift. If your survey you’ll probbaly get bored quite quickly.


    Are you ships crew or survey crew? As Octarene said in Norsk, take a laptop and movie or books because the 12 hours off can get very boring.

    If you are ships crew you will probably be reasonably busy on your shift. If your survey you’ll probbaly get bored quite quickly.

    Hi, thanks for the reply:)
    hmm, i realy dont know the differense betwine ships- or survey crew, the only thing i know is that my contract sayes: mechanical trainee on board one of fugros vessels. There are two mechanicals on the shift and i will be one of them.
    By the way, it is a seismic vessel i am going to work on:)

    J Deans

    I guess you will be with the survey crew then, maintaining the guns etc.

    You wont be bored the first couple of trips while you figure your job out.


    Howdee Zik,

    just read your posting. as a newboy to subsea can you tell me what process you went thru to get with fugro ? Am tryin to get into ROV as a pilot with mech eng experience 😉 cheers, willo


    Howdee Zik,

    just read your posting. as a newboy to subsea can you tell me what process you went thru to get with fugro ? Am tryin to get into ROV as a pilot with mech eng experience 😉 cheers, willo

    hi willo, well, nothing mutch to tell except that i made a phone call and sent in my applycation inc CV to fugro. It took a while before i got any feedback form them so you have to patience. It took me aprox 3 years to get a offshore job 🙄
    I think if you whant a offshore job and can get one this is the time.


    Howdee Zik,

    just read your posting. as a newboy to subsea can you tell me what process you went thru to get with fugro ? Am tryin to get into ROV as a pilot with mech eng experience 😉 cheers, willo

    If you’ve got a techinical background then great start talking to one of the large ROV companies and keep at them, they will trey and fob you off, if you can afford it get your offshore medical and survival this will enhance your chances of getting employed.


    hi,do you have their web address?

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