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Looking into the ROV world.

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Looking into the ROV world.

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    Glen Shannon

    Hi i’m looking at getting into the ROV world and i’m also looking at furthering my skills with doing a Fibre optics course.
    I am an Electrical Technician working offshore in the North Sea.
    I worked in the semi-conductor industry worldwide for 8 years and the company gave me complete training on the machine i was working with. They invested a lot of money in training us. Is it the same within the ROV company’s.
    Reading through the forum it seams that doing a course will not always help.

    So here are a couple of questions.
    Would the Fibre Optic’s qual help in any way working on ROV’s
    Do company’s employ guy’s that maintain repair ROV’s that do not pilot them.
    And finally can anybody just explain what role/roles the below job titles play in the ROV spectrum.

    Trainee, Pilot Tech, Sub Engineer, Supervisor , Superintendent

    Thanks Shan

    Ewan McKen

    Trainee: Get in the way, make tea.

    Pilot Tech: Fly and fix ROV.

    Sub Engineer: Fly and fix ROV, and make sure the maintenance Paperwork is done properly.

    Supervisor: Fly and fix ROV, and make sure the operational Paperwork is done properly.

    Superintendent: Shout at people that have not done the Paperwork properly.


    Glen Shannon

    Not bad information from 140 views of the thread.

    Sit Rep

    Trainee: knows nothing / superfluous, possibly related to the Operations Manager
    Pilot / Tech: thinks he knows something, still wet behind ears- may miss Mother/girlfiriend/boyfriend
    Sub Eng – Senior Pilot: does know things, prefers machines to people, able to read/write, walk, chew gum and think simultaneously
    Supervisor: knows someone in the office (may be related to them). Promoted in accordance with the Peter principle i.e. out of harm’s way
    Supernintendo: thinks he knows everything but probably forgot most of it when Edison was a boy, quite possibly black-mailing someone in the office

    Glen Shannon

    All very useful stuff thanks chaps.


    You might want to look at the cable side of the industry? Global marine systems Ltd use their Fibre fixers to run and repair the ROV’s to re-bury the repaired cable subsea. Alcatel another company heavy in with CTC all have up to date ROV’s that have jet packages on for burial.



    Loved your reply – but that begs a few questions.

    Where do you fit into the sceme of things?
    Do you know everything or nothing?
    Who are you related too?
    Whats are the quals for an OoPS Manager?

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