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New to the offshore industry

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner New to the offshore industry

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    David Prinsloo

    Hi there, i have recently decided to apply into the offshore industry and i am quite excited to start. I know there are many who try and wait long before they get any opportunities. I have no peticular experience in the offshore industry, but i am interrested to educated myself before applying for a job in the offshore ind. Problem is i dont know where and for what courses to apply as i am from South Africa and i am having a hard time to gain information. What courses can i enroll in to help me gain an edge.
    Also i`ve learned that the offshore firefighting and survival course is a minimum requirement, and i would love to hear from anyone who has done this course… their opinion…what to expect…is it quite as daunting as they say? Thank you for taking the time to read this and the best of luck to all of you.

    Robert Black

    If you have ‘No experience’ or indeed training don’t worry. Apply to these companies and you will probably get a start.


    You’ll be surprised how many of your present skills fit in with their line of business. No need to thank me.



    Im in the UK and have completed a 3 day BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) plus an additional module for Norwegian waters not that long ago. I completed this in Falck Nutec Middlesbrough.

    The course dealt with some safety through power point, use of survival suits, life aids, helicopter evacuation practicals. There was minimum fire fighting training by which i mean when and where to isolate or use an extinguisher and then fire escape methods using a smoke hood etc.

    I wouldnt consider this a firefighting course in the sense you would be part of a firefighting team offshore, more of basic fire awareness training.

    I did enjoy it, especially the helicopter escape although i think i was in the minority there!! I would jump at the chance to do more training like this.

    Also now to work in UK waters there is a requirement to do MIST (Minimum Industry Safety Training).

    I hope you find something useful here 🙂

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