Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Looking to become a ROV-trainee

Looking to become a ROV-trainee

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Looking to become a ROV-trainee

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    rasmus Bäfvenberg

    I got interested in ROV a couple of months ago so i’m brand new around here.

    Anyone knows if and what companies have trainee courses around in europe?

    I’ve been to norway for a couple of weeks trying to get hold of a company that can provide a traineecourse as soon as possible. I’ve done the OLF-course and got my healthcertificate in order.

    I have had some contact with a company called Abyss, who provide ROV pilots and technicians, mainly to Stavanger and the north of norway.

    They charged 73000:- NOK for a ROV course, is that a fair price or should i look for another employer?

    As I said before I am a total rookie in these business so any help or tips are welcome!

    Ray Shields

    Here we go again.

    Read through the posts on this website, especially in the Rookies section. This questing is asked every week and there is lots of information already been posted.

    ROV Training courses supplied by ROV Training Schools do not guarantee any work with any company, no matter what they tell you. Even if you do a course, you will still be considered to be a Trainee.

    There is a great demand for EXPERIENCED ROV personnel, there are not many companies taking on brand new Trainees at the moment. There are already thousands of other people out there also wanting to start in ROVs.

    Scott Beveridge

    Here we go again.

    Read through the posts on this website, especially in the Rookies section. This questing is asked every week and there is lots of information already been posted.

    ROV Training courses supplied by ROV Training Schools do not guarantee any work with any company, no matter what they tell you. Even if you do a course, you will still be considered to be a Trainee.

    There is a great demand for EXPERIENCED ROV personnel, there are not many companies taking on brand new Trainees at the moment. There are already thousands of other people out there also wanting to start in ROVs.

    As Ray says above but include having a look at the FAQ’s in the left side bar.

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