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qualifications and rov training

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner qualifications and rov training

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    karthik j

    hey everyone,

    i tried searching the forum,FAQ section but could not find what im exactly looking for so i decided to post this.

    i am 23 yrs old and currently reside in mumbai (INDIA)..i just finished my engineering degree in mechanical engg..i am a fresher and have no prior work experience..im planning to go for the ROV pilot training program in australia,,it costs 9500 AUS $ ….i read in a lot of older posts that people with a good technical background(electrical) and good amount of industrial experience are prefered for employment….what is the situation for a person like me?? mechanical engg degree but a fresher with no indutrial experience.
    is it possible for me to get a job after my rov traning program ?? or will it be really difficult?

    James McLauchlan

    I have no idea what ROV opportunities are open to you in India, but spending all that money in Australia will likely prove to be of little benefit for other countries (other than India) as you would be looking for international work as an ROV trainee touting an Indian passport.

    Agencies won’t take someone on with that level of experience (trainee requiring a work permit for any country except India) for international work.

    A company (ROV operator) might take you on, but I would think that your only likely source of initial employment would be to have an Indian company take you on locally. You’ll need the kind of experience you mentioned earlier, before you look around on a global scale.

    Joe Nemeth

    dont take this the wrong way, but who would pay a uni educated person with no experience to go offshore and repair a rov if they have no technical background.. I dont think anyone in my team would want to carry someone like that… sorry, just my opinion…


    A few ROV company in Middel East are taking in Indian national.

    1. Fugro @ a few project in India
    2. Ocean Ling
    3. Dulam
    4. CCC

    All the best.


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