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ROV blog – ROV-blog.com

Home Forums General Interesting Websites ROV blog – ROV-blog.com

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  • #4588

    I would like to invite all of you (also your family and friends) to my blog (mini site) about the subsea world.
    Mostly, I will try to make a list of ROV systems but there will be also published other things, like information about the ROV vessels, pictures, companies & agencies, news from underwater world.
    We will see how it will go 🙂

    Feel free to visit ROV-blog and leave a comment 🙂


    Had some problems with my website provider in the last two days, but I hope it is now fixed and blog will be working ok.
    There are more post about systems from each class – from micro to heavy work class and will be coming more every few days, so check my blog http://www.rov-blog.com/ every day 🙂

    Scott Beveridge


    Not really sure why you want to have an ROV blog… IMO you might be disappointed. If you see the number of visitors to this website since 13-12-2003 = 30,470,979 hits for today = 16,776 , then you may have second thoughts.



    Understand your point of view. I am even suprised that didn’t get more offensive attack from all of you, that’s what I am doing is a bullshit. Thanks for that.
    Yes, you can find all this info on the websites of each company.
    Yes, you can find all of the pictures or offshore news that I am planning to post.
    But please just try to understand my idea…. Underwater world is not so known in my country. In the same time I am posting about the same in my language on other website. I want to give people more informations about the ROV systems.
    I don’t want to make the same as is here. I like rovworld.com very much. I have found here a lot of info. I don’t want to make another forum, because this one is great. And I know I won’t have as much visitors as you have. At least I will finally make a big list of ROV systems divided into class categories with pictures, specifications and www to each manufacturer.
    Is it not necessary? Maybe… but if there will be a few hits every day, I will be happy, that someone likes to visit my blog.

    Thanks scotbeve for your opinion.

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