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  • #511

    What does everybody use for sea sickness?
    I have heard everything from eating ginger and peppermint to accupressure wristbands to dramamine, meclazine and scopo patches.
    What works best for you.

    Andy Shiers

    Cheese and pickle sandwiches 😀


    Dry Toast for me!!

    Stephen Black

    I Find a good feed and cold air does it for me

    Nothing worse than being stuck inside a smelly boat


    I know this might sound aweful, but I find eating stuff to make you throw up is really good in the longer run- i.e 2-3 days of bad weather. It makes your stomach feel a lot stronger afterwards and I aclimatise (sp) better afterwards. Also keep away from focusing on close things like tvs or books. Cold air is also really good.

    If you’re on one of the Farstaad boats, go see the medic – they have absolutely amazing things called "Cyborg implants". They are morphine impregnated plasters that you stick behind your ear. The morphine gets absorbed through the skin, dries the fluids in your ear and makes you less sensitive to movement.

    I was on the far saga a year ago in mountainous seas (beyond 11m heave at the cog and water jumping out of the moonpool to above the wheelhouse) and after coating the back of my skull with these things I felt great 😈 !!!

    They are prescribed I think, so the medic will control how many you get to use.

    Feel better. ❗


    Ah, is that what a scopco patch is? Never knew the name….


    Yes, they’re full name is scopolamine patches. Apparently good for 3 days per patch. And yes, only available by prescription.
    Sound wonderful to me!!


    They say the only true cure for sea sickness is to sit under an Oak tree!

    Andy Shiers

    Does it have to be Oak 😕

    James McLauchlan

    Staying on the beach is a good cure… 😉

    If you suffer badly from seasickness, and don’t seem to be getting any better after a few days, you might want to consider going for drill suport or try and get a slot on a big Semi-Sub. Some people just can’t shake the problem so why make your life a misery each time you go offshore.

    Andy Shiers

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