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Sending away CV

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Sending away CV

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    Hey all

    I am currently studying HND Mechatronics and Im looking to secure a job for when my course finishes at the start of june.

    I have written my cv but i am wondering what i should put in my email along with my cv.

    If anyone could help it would be appriciated.

    Thanks Rob


    do a search in google for cover letters

    from speaking to HR departments in my own quest to get into the biz they seam to ask what experiance u may have of electrics/electronics/mechanical/hydraulics

    do you build pcs in your spare time ect anything real life that may show some technical aptitude as well as relevant job experiance

    H&S stuff courses ect may also be useful

    to be pretty brutal thers a lot of ex forces guys with solid training in the north east of scotland all being trained for this sort of work at colleges at the mo so it will be very tough to get into. You may want to look into other areas of subsea engineering or even offshore work before going for ROV stuff as it seams to be one of those jobs that u need experiance from other areas before you will be taken on as in its a secondary career choice after gaining experiance in something else.


    Hi Rob/pictish

    Havnt been on the site for a while. I too am trying to get into the ROV industry and am currently studying a HNC in electrical/electronic engineering to this end. Mechatronics is probably the ideal thing to study to break into the industry as a trainee pilot but it seems that wherever i look there are more and more people trying to get into this career!

    6 months ago I started researching the ROV industry and quickly came to the conclusion that trainee pilot positions where plentiful. I think things are changing quickly and at the current rate it wont be long before there are too many ROV pilots and very few jobs available. I wonder if the iraq war has had anything to do with people wanting to leave the forces! Hence the glut of ex forces people out there!?

    Anyway Rob6, i think it will be difficult to secure a position without any experience. Having said that the culture of companies are different, some will relish the idea of hooking a graduate over an experienced individual with little experience of academia. Although these companies will probably be in the minority.

    Whatever the case I am not giving up, I am looking to get some voluntary experience in eng in order to get my foot in the door wwhen i have got my hnc. Good luck!


    Andy Shiers

    Add a cheque 😆

    Ray Shields

    Or fold your letter in that secret way so that when a Mason opens it he knows its from a fellow roll up trouser person.

    Every time I try it it comes out looking like a stork – I think I’m mixing it up with those Oragami lessons I had years ago….

    Andy Shiers

    Surely you don’t mean Oregano 😀

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