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Help on Specs

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Help on Specs

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    Hi all I’m new to the site and hopefully new to the industry.

    Basically what I am after is where I can source any good technical diagrams of common ROV systems both electrical and hydraulic (preferably online 😀 )

    My situation at the moment is that I am off for an interview with ISS on the 6th of march and would like to get as much information as possible on the relevent systems that I could come in contact with.

    My background is 3 years experience in electrical industry (3-phase industrial and also some domestic) and 7 years experience in fuel and hydraulic systems.

    Any help would be gratefully received.

    Cheers Tim

    Mike Kernaghan


    Due to the fact that it is ISS then you are probably best visiting the following sites:




    Vehicles to lookout for are the Sub-Atlantic Mohicans, Comanches, Mohawks and Super Mohawks. At Perry look at the Triton XLS.

    ISS also operate two MRV systems and a Seaeye Tiger.

    Good luck



    Thanks for the rapid reply buddy!

    I have found those sites very usefull for the data-sheet side of things 😀

    I wonder whether anyone has any ideas where generic diagrams can be found outlining common symbols used in this industry just so I know whether a resivoir, prv, nrv etc are all the same symbols for my previous industry to the new! 😀

    Thanks again for your help so far Mike


    Before going to ISS take a good look at management statements about their expansion plans.
    West Africa and Gulf of mexico!!!!!
    Think carefully if that is what you want. Plenty of work about in other parts of the world. They are looking for 50 new starts so hold out for a good rate if you decide that is for you. They will struggle to find 20 guys never mind 50.



    The symbols should be the same. Unless you learned yours in Polish or something.

    Nothing but frames and pods are manafactured in the ROV industry. everything else is bought ‘off the shelf’.

    usually cheapest they can find as well.

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