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friend or foe

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    is the diver a friend or foe in the industry? i mean should i shake a divers hand in the bar in aberdeen and say.. well done boys for doing the cold wet stuff.. Us Rov boys will take over now save ya some grief??
    should we give them the hard shoulder when the enter a bar? you know.. turn my nose up at them and say not wanted in here boys. only people that have high IQ sorry..run now forrest run to the nearest bin and go blow down 😈

    Andy Shiers

    😕 😳 🙄 😕 😮 Had to answer this……………………..
    naivety in the making
    Don’t f#@k – up is all I can say to you 🙂
    Respect would be due to alot of them, Unless of course you think you could do it !
    Mind you , depending on your capabilities they might shun you anyway for being such a low in the inteligence food cycle your self 😀
    Also depends what type of bar you are going into in the first place 😀
    might be they want to do more than just shake ya hand 😆


    Divers are divers in the industry, you know, like Taxi drivers, Riggers, Scaffolders and others who have a small Shiftah (that’s Crescent Wrench to the Bwitish Twits on here) hanging off a silver ring bought at some Bangkok Night Market in their ear lobe. Fortunately most are seasoned enough to tolerate socialising with piss-gutted Fast-food fed ROV-illiterate wannabees whom take delight in pestering them because they have had the good fortune of having been mistaken for somebody that is marginally capable of producing a CV that has gotten them into "The Industry".


    You’v hit the nail on the head Star.

    You should definitely go up to a squad of divers and tell them exactly that. Try doing at round about Last Orders. You might want to add that they seem to getting "On a bit in life" it that it "Might be a bit to much for them", they might even get you a drink or a free ticket on the 22.55 to Euston, unless it’s at the weekend then it’ll be the 22.30.

    If this was’ent on here just to get a few Bite’s I might point out that most of the Stuff that the Diver work on would be impossible to do with a ROV, as the technology was not around or reliable at the start of the Oil Boom, and now that it’s all in theres no access for ROVs

    You must be a very young Bunny.

    Take care silly Bunny, watch out for the headlights.

    Da Diving Finger

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