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Thinking about it!

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Thinking about it!

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    HI guys,
    I am a radiographer level2 working on pipelines at the moment, i have experience with computers(software), i worked for ibm for 4 years before going into ndt. and i hold a pplh (private pilot licence helicopter)
    I am thinking of going on a rov course in December when my current job finishes, do you think it will be worth it? I would like to get on the sticks.
    The money seems to be about the same ( i tend to work about 70 hrs per week).My backround before all this was as a cameraman for a tv company.
    Ther are a lot of ndt jobs about at the moment so i could be working while looking for rov jobs.
    What do you think??????

    Ray Shields

    Unless you have more relevant qualifications (HNC or NVQs or equivalent) in electrics, electronics, hydraulics, mechanics, etc. I would say that you would not have enough of a relevant background for ROVs.

    Getting on the sticks is, unfortunately, a SMALL part of the job of an ROV pilot. You are out there to maintain and repair the equipment. The flying of the ROV is the bonus you get for your hard work maintaining the equipment.

    Without the relevant technical background an ROV course on its own will NOT get you a job in ROVs – no matter what the training companies tell you. If you can carry on in your existing job while gaining other quals, now that would be worthwhile.


    As said before like a thousand times, the rov companies dont really value the rov courses, dont bother.
    They look for if you got a degree and work experience in either electrical, mechanical or hydraulics basicly.
    Anyone can fly an rov with some practice, but when the shit hits the fan, and the rov is fucked, that really dont matter,
    what matters is your skills to get it running again. I dont know what "radiographer level2" involves, but good luck anyway 🙂
    My advice, send your cv to all the companies, but dont quit your job before you get an actual offer from any of them.

    HI guys,
    I am a radiographer level2 working on pipelines at the moment, i have experience with computers(software), i worked for ibm for 4 years before going into ndt. and i hold a pplh (private pilot licence helicopter)
    I am thinking of going on a rov course in December when my current job finishes, do you think it will be worth it? I would like to get on the sticks.
    The money seems to be about the same ( i tend to work about 70 hrs per week).My backround before all this was as a cameraman for a tv company.
    Ther are a lot of ndt jobs about at the moment so i could be working while looking for rov jobs.
    What do you think??????


    Anyone can fly an rov with some practice,

    ha ha ha ha thats a cracker actually i will quote it again

    Anyone can fly an rov with some practice

    i wish!

    tut tut cynical and not constructive my apologises NOT!

    Ray Shields


    Some people can learn to fly an ROV.
    Some need more practise than others
    Some people will never learn.

    Everyone fits in there somewhere 😀


    where do you fit in Ray?

    Ray Shields

    Top line,

    though one always needs a bit of practise after you’ve been working ashore for a while. I am better at flying than I am using the manip.

    How about yourself?


    Thank you guys.
    Perhaps i will stick to radiograpy ( taking x rays of welds, and looking after x ray crawlers for those who don’t know).


    Well Ray i suppose i am an expert just like eveyone else on this forum!!
    Na kidding, keep me head down and take the money!!


    That sounds about right R-V-C.

    Keep your heed down in the Valley and take the money ya cheel hoor.

    Ferrit shit killed my cat 🙁 .

    The Finger 8)


    Hey fingerlicker, what killed the ferret??


    Who killed the ferret? The Finger!

    But where on/in the ferret did the finger end up?

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