Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions platform insection

platform insection

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions platform insection

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  • #5868

    Hello guys!
    i have problem with platform inspection that i want to consider it here.plsssss guide me if u have a idea about it

    i want to inspect the alingment of platform conductor framing:
    is it possible doing with ROV?
    do u have a idea about using some special equipment to do it?

    thx guys


    Yes. An ROV can be used in this application. In order to determine what device/sensor would be recommended you would have to specify :
    –what accuracy/how precise is required measurement?
    –at what depth(s) will measurements be taken?
    –what restrictions to the mobility of the ROV must be taken into account? (obstacles, protruberances, etc)
    –are determination of heading and relative bearing required in data acquisition ?
    –what are environmental factors that may affect ROV ops? (current, visibility, nearby sources of sound/light/electro magnetic interference)

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