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Prospective Pilot/Tech

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Prospective Pilot/Tech

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    matt buxton

    Good evening

    For the last 3 years after completing my mechanical tech program, I have been employed with a very reputible, respected ROV/AUV company based out of Vancouver BC

    I have a vary diverse background in hydraulics and electronics as well as all other mechanical abilities.

    I have worked on many subsea projects ranging from very large and small AUV’s and ROV’s to experimental LARS

    I have been involved with all different aspects of ROV/AUV systems, from design and build to sea trials/demo’s and operations.

    My question to everyone is……….I have a love for the industry and work especially the sea trials, demos and operation aspects. So how do I go about gathering information about taking my career to the next level and become a trainee pilot tech.

    I would come with very strong reccommendations from my company. (Very respectible)

    Anyhow just looking for where to start and/or stear clear of.
    thanks for the help


    I think Geo Century are recruiting Pilot techs, they have a canadian office too, so perhaps you should contact Kirk Stead

    Geo Century Corp.
    472 Logy Bay Road
    Box #1, St. Johns NL
    A1A 5C6 Canada
    Telephone: +1 709 576 2033
    Telefax: +1 709 576 2500
    E-mail: info@geocentury.ca
    Web: http://www.geocentury.ca

    matt buxton

    Thanks for the info Reg I will for sure contact them. Looks like they run an AUV survey vehicle as well.

    Anyone work with or around these guys…..good…..Bad?


    Oceaneering is in Nfld. as well. Tim Lawrence is the go to guy there.
    Who did you work for in Vancouver?

    matt buxton

    I would rather not say what company I work for……..just because I do not want my company to get the impression that I ant to leave. Because this is not my intention in the imediate future. I am purely gathering info on whats out there.

    As far as oceaneering goes it doesnt seem like they have a very good reputation on this forum?

    i have worked around a few of there guys…..and they seem like a decent group?


    That may be true in Europe and/ or the States, but so far, my impressions are good of the folks here in Canada.
    ‘Course, all us Canadians are good people, right?! 😉
    As you’ll discover in time, on this forum there are quite a few whiners/ complainers who take great delight in doing just that. You have to take alot of what is said by these guys with a grain of salt.


    There are a couple of firms located within a stones throw/ferry ride of YVR that could give you the experience you desire. PM me if you have no joy with Google.

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