Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner 6 years on from doing the course

6 years on from doing the course

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner 6 years on from doing the course

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    Well 6 years since doing the ROV courses at the Underwater Center Fort William, I am still yet to get near an ROV.

    I did go and do the course with out the full fact of the industry and what experience would be needed to get into the world of ROV. But since doing the course I have been working offshore, doing Geotech Survey for 18 months, Seismic Survey for 3 years and for the past 18 months I have been working with an AUV. A Konsberg Hugin 1000 to be exact.

    But what I’ve wanted to do is ROV. What else can I do to help me apply and be successful?

    Ray Shields

    The difference between 6 years ago and now is that you now HAVE experience offshore, AUV experience certainly will be a big advantage. When was the last time you applied for an ROV job?


    The difference between 6 years ago and now is that you now HAVE experience offshore, AUV experience certainly will be a big advantage. When was the last time you applied for an ROV job?

    Just last week I applied to Bibby who said I was only suitable for trainee positions of which they have none.

    I’ve applied to around 6/7 companies but not got anywhere.

    John Bridgett

    The difference between 6 years ago and now is that you now HAVE experience offshore, AUV experience certainly will be a big advantage. When was the last time you applied for an ROV job?

    Just last week I applied to Bibby who said I was only suitable for trainee positions of which they have none.

    I’ve applied to around 6/7 companies but not got anywhere.

    I think youre expecting too much, I applied to over 600, had 10 interviews and 6 job offers in September last year. Do the research and get your CV out there, theyre unlikely to come looking for you.


    Ray Shields

    As above, if you want a job you have to put effort in, there are hundreds out there also chasing a handful of positions.

    Yes, an ROV Trainee job IS what you are looking for, the offshore and AUV experience will certainly help, but it is a Trainees position you need.


    cheers guys.

    Any company Ive applied to in Aberdeen I took my CV in by hand aswell. And followed up with a phone call the week after.

    Yep I more than agree Ray a trainee is where I’ll be and I have no problem with that.

    More applying and C.V sending next week.

    Innerstate, I take it you mean 600 jobs? I must be looking in the wrong place!

    Mihai Fratila

    As above, if you want a job you have to put effort in, there are hundreds out there also chasing a handful of positions.

    Yes, an ROV Trainee job IS what you are looking for, the offshore and AUV experience will certainly help, but it is a Trainees position you need.

    So where`s the place to send your CV?I am also looking for a Trainee position,but it seems nobody wants a trainee,they want people with experience.What about for those who are just starting now?
    Somebody has to give us a chance…

    Black Dog

    You could try The Underwater Centre at Fort William they are looking for a ROV Pilot Instructor.

    Ray Shields

    Well Fugro have just taken on Trainees, they take on a new batch every 6 months or so.

    All the other major companies, also Bibby, are too. They usually do not need to advertise, as people are always applying to them, so don’t wait to look for job adverts.


    been on the case all of today sending CV’s so here’s hoping.


    well as it stands I have an offer from a company 🙂 which I have accepted

    Daniel foxley

    Well done mate persistence pays off in the end, your going to love it.


    Edit my above post, the training is now on hold. So no job until further notice

    Daniel Woodhall

    What happened to the offer?


    Im to wait to be contacted.

    2 weeks ago everything was in the go and now it turns out theres no room to take on trainees, I will be contacted as soon as things change…… how long will that take

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