Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training What electronic study modules pertain specifically to ROV’s?

What electronic study modules pertain specifically to ROV’s?

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training What electronic study modules pertain specifically to ROV’s?

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  • #6079
    Gabriel Williams

    Hi Guys

    Having read through this forum and FAQ’s I didn’t quite find the answer to my question below.

    I’m keen to get into ROV (I am a qualified refrigeration & aircon mechanic by trade) but have realised that I should brush up on electronics before I consider looking for trainee employment. I am taking the direction of doing and HNC in Electronic Engineering at Teeside , before I even consider doing the much maligned ROV course at FT. William.

    My question is: What optional modules of study below are specific to ROV’s and are the ones I should concentrate on (I need to choose 4):

    Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
    Business Management Techniques
    Combinational and Sequential Logic
    Control Systems and Automation
    Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits
    Distributed Control Systems
    Electrical Machines
    Electrical Services
    Electrical Supply and Distribution Systems
    Electrical System Protection
    Electromagnetic Compatibility
    Engineering Applications
    Engineering Design
    Mechatronic Systems Principles
    Microprocessor Systems
    Operational Amplifiers
    Programmable Logic Controllers
    Safety Engineering
    Semiconductor Physical Electronics

    I look forward to your educated opinion.



    Hi Gabriel,

    a good choice for ROV’s would be, in my opinion:

    Digital and Analogue Devices and Circuits
    Electrical Supply and Distribution Systems
    Programmable Logic Controllers
    Mechatronic Systems Principles


    Gabriel Williams

    Much appreciated, thank you Rover.


    Sit Rep

    In addition to the units mentioned above and without knowing the exact syllabus, I would suggest;

    Combinational and Sequential Logic (assuming this is Boolean Algebra, gates, monostables, shift registers etc)

    My reason being, it’s a logical pre-requisite for writing PLC programmes (or any other for that matter).


    Gabriel Williams

    Thanks Sitrep!


    bertoletto giuseppe

    Hi Gabreal
    What rov_er write it sound very ok I will add Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics well hydraulic mostly , regarding writing programs can be a plus but not really what You usually do when operating and try to fix a ROV on field , really in almost 15 years I do not saw writing any programs at all when offshore .Concentrate in Your Teesside course and forget the ROV course, for my opinion is just a waste of time ,maybe I can be wrong on this last sentence ,but you will save a lot of money at least

    Gabriel Williams

    Thank you Giusepperoasio,

    The info on the site and help from you guy’s has proven invaluable and possibly saved me several thousand pounds, which in my currency equates to almost two hundred thousand! As well as given me a fair idea on how to best pursue my offshore ambitions.

    I look forward to meeting some of you in person in a year or two!



    Is it a distance learning?
    If not, do you know if there is a possibility to do that modules by distance learning?

    Gabriel Williams

    Hi Gr8

    It is distance learning – gotta keep the wolves from the door while studying!

    Teeside is a UK based University offering distance learning.


    Thanks for the thought!



    Hi Gabriel,

    an HNC course is longer and harder than taking the shortcut of 2 weeks course at any ROV school.
    But it is also absolutely more valuable.
    Once you will get your HNC, you will have the right trade and background skills to get (and keep!) an offshore ROV job with any good company.

    You are going through the right way mate, all the best for your studies.


    Gabriel Williams

    Cheers Rover, thank you.


    Hi Gabreal,
    Thanks for your answer (and sorry for my late reply).
    I have checked website you gave me to Teeside University.
    You are writing that have to choose 4 modules… but as I see on that website I could only go into some of them you have mentioned:

    Application of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
    Business Management Techniques
    Control Systems and Automation
    Distributed Control Systems
    Electrical Machines
    Engineering Design
    Safety Engineering

    So, how is it? I have to choose from the list above or all of them which you mentioned?

    Can you also PM me your e-mail? I would like to ask you more question…


    Ray Shields


    is the link to the Distance Learning HNC at Teeside Uni. Not all their modules have links you can click on for further info, that is not to say you cannot do them.

    I believe you require to do the 4 core modules and then any 4 of the optional modules, which is why the original question was as to which of the optional ones would be best to go for regarding ROV career.

    I would suggest an email to enquiries@tees.ac.uk would be the best place for any enquiries you have about the course.


    Thanks Ray!

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