Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Fresh out of school in the USA.

Fresh out of school in the USA.

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Fresh out of school in the USA.

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    So I graduated from an ROV school here in America. I received some certificates in the area of Electronics, Hydraulics, Fiber Optics, Offshore Survival etc… etc… I have no background experience in ROV’s except from the training I received at this school. Upon my graduation I found that most of the companies to which I have applied are looking for experienced Techs only. Many others advised me that they do their hiring out of Aberdeen. I am getting to the point where I think I am going to stop looking. Maybe I should get a “job” as an electronics tech for a couple of years and then try to look again. I have had one offer from a company to be data support tech but I could not believe the low pay they offered. I could make more money flipping hamburgers. CAN ANYONE HELP? ? ? ?

    Ray Shields


    there is no need to duplicate the message in different sections, or to write in that god awful red font colour (yes, thats COLOUR!)

    They are correct, doing allk the courses in the world will not help you get a job offshore unless you have the appropriate technical experience as well. Data support tech sounds like a very low "tech" job, hence the low pay.

    Why did you go to the ROV school, what technical qualifications and/or experience did you have before you went there? Did the school say that if you did their course you would definately get a job offshore? If so, please name and shame them so we can warn others not to waster their money because you wont.

    Go and get an onshore job and build up some technical on the job experience as you said, and then you might have a chance after that. Until then, your chances are VERY slim.


    Ray, I hate message duplicators as much as you, but I’m gonna do it anyway!

    Oops! Did I coloUr it red as well?!! 😈

    ROVJoe, firstly I’d like to commiserate with you for how things have turned out.
    Secondly, I’d suggest that you delete your post in its entirety! You are not exactly sending out the kind of positive vibes an employer of ANY company in ANY sector of employment would want to hear! Believe it or not, the ROV game can have some very trying moments where you just wished that you never left terra firma. The last thing your colleagues need is, frankly, a quitter! You might think I’m a little harsh, but sleep on it and you will know where I’m coming from.
    Now, the more humane side of me wants to help in some way, for the good and benefit of all wannabees. Please answer the following questions:

    1.Before you signed up for the ‘ROV School’, did you know about the existence of this forum?

    2.If so, did you read the numerous debates about the pro’s and cons of ROV courses/schools?

    3.If so, did you think the overall consensus was for, or against ROV courses/schools?

    Unfortunately you now have a fistful of certificates that equal the square root of f*ck-all, and a lot of expectations. You say that you are considering getting a job as an electronics technician for a couple of years, then having another go. By this statement, I have to assume that you have already completed an indentured apprenticeship or 3 years of technical college. Then what is the problem? The ROV industry is crying out for ET’s!
    Remember, you deserve no more than you have earned.


    Sorry about the Red font. I have changed it and I will not be duplicating any more posts. That message was posted after a very discouraging few weeks of career hunting. Yes, the school did make a lot of promises. However, I do not hold the school responsible for my own lack of research. Therefore, I will not be disclosing their name. When I referred to getting a job as an electronics tech. I was speaking of acquiring an apprenticeship with on the job training. Bottom line… I did not give up and have since acquired an excellent career in the telecommunications industry. (Yes. My certificates helped me get the job)Thanks for all of your input and good luck to all of you.


    Well done, Joe. You really sound like you’ve landed on your feet with the telecomm’s job. It’s a well known fact amongst us ROV people that the onshore annual salary for our skill-sets are just as good, or even better than what we earn offshore. All that determines whether you work on/offshore is the fact that most of us work 6 months of the year and holiday the rest. The alternative is to be someone’s beyach for 11 months of the year, and holiday for 1 month. The vast majority of the world’s working population are happy with that scenario….I’m not….er , yet!
    Good luck for the future.

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