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To walk, or not to walk…….

Home Forums General General Board To walk, or not to walk…….

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    I’ve started this new topic in the light of the ‘China Two’ debate that has spread itself all over this forum. Hopefully, the threads that were affected can now get back to their original topics.

    From the bits and pieces that I’ve read regarding the China 2, I think that both parties are culpable to some extent. There are only a few people on the planet that know most of the facts, and no-one knows ALL of the facts! Based on what has been written already I feel for both parties.

    Agency Guys: As temp mentions, it’s a very rare action to actually walk off a job. The most important factor in working freelance, is your reputation! Why would you jeopardise that for something trivial? For that reason alone, I would have to think that these guys were in some way justified for their actions. They have listed a few grievances such as:
    a)Having to pay for hotels and sundry transit costs. Well they in no-way should have been expected to! Was there a prior agreement/understanding that this would be the case? That cosy little company/contractor arrangement can occur after mutual trust has been established betwixt the two parties over several contracts, but even then it still remains optional! That being said, I have been asked prior to travel to some remote regions to foot some bills. Normally this is fine by me, as long as it is a written request(email/fax/text)before travel begins.
    b)A Supervisor is hired for reason; his experience! If he has some operational input that may be of value to the project, or concerns about the scope, then he is doing what he is paid to do. Again, it’s his neck on the line if it all goes pear-shaped. Here’s your Hyball, now get that debris cleared! Here’s your XL, now let’s have a CVI of the splash-zone members. If he is ignored, or left in the dark, then of course he will be frustrated. Having a nepotist calling the shots would also set off alarm bells!
    c)Sorry guys, but surely one of you had a laptop with an Ingrish OS, and a couple of Dive Log templates to work with. Where there’s is a will, there’s a way. Did the hotel have a computer with Ingrish OS in the business centre? I can’t give you that one.
    d)The dirty laundry comments were despicable to the MAX! But, that happened long after the walk-off.

    a)You were paying a decent rate, in a part of the world that, let’s say, prefers quantity rather than quality(and quantity is a quality unto itself). That’s a good start. You used a reputable Agency. Excellent! And your reasons for doing so must have been that you will be provided with professionals that can take adversity in their stride. I’d say that that would be a reasonable expectation.
    b)Communication clearly seems to have been a major factor here. Could you have done better? These guys became your guys once they left home. Did you treat them as such, or like a pair of mute outsiders?
    c)I don’t think that your request for Dive/Video Logs was unreasonable. Were the tools to complete the task adequate. If the guys happened to have their own laptops(who knows?) that does not mean they are for company business, and you should respect that.
    d)Dirty laundry. We don’t even go there in this business! Cheap and low! Nuff said on that, methinks.

    Paul Bond

    I think there has been enough mud slinging about all this.

    As you say both parties are in the right and also in the wrong.

    C’est la vie, we live and learn.


    I think there has been enough mud slinging about all this.

    As you say both parties are in the right and also in the wrong.

    C’est la vie, we live and learn.

    I second that.

    By the way, would you be at all interested in a job?
    Money is better, we have english computers and I am sure you would recognise our new Ops Manager and have no problem getting on with him at all.


    I guess there is no hard feelings then. 😀

    Andy Shiers

    What does he look like then 😀


    Hey China !

    Sounds like le Baron is de new matchmaker 😉


    😆 😆 😆
    Anyone got a good jpg image of a gorgeous sunset? I need it for the backdrop.

    Andy Shiers

    Kiss and make -up 😆
    Hollywood here we come 😆

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