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  • #629

    After a month at anchor off Tanjunpriok over Christmas I can say that I have started to get to know Jakarta. At first it seems a totally mad ,chaotic city with no bars_ except Blok M area. Once you get to know where to go it’s great. The shopping is mega, with massive malls. Finding the ones that specialise in what you are after is the key_ like computers, software, mobile phones Etc. They normally accept returns too without question.

    Most of the bars are in Blok M and girly things like Top Gun Club, as well as the Ambara Hotel_ a magnificent Indian Colonial style edifice which caters for Ex-pats well. Other ex-pat areas near Mall Ambassador are more subdued and relaxed. A great bar is Roy’s at Kelapa Gading_ officially known as ‘Verona’, Kelapa Gading Mall, La Piazza Street Blok A.
    He does excellent food and good draught beer.

    Most hotels do reasonable rates_ $50-60. Taxis are cheap_ about $10 to cross the city, which can take an hour+ in heavy traffic (most of the time)

    Well recommend a visit to Jakarta.

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